Our Bodies’ Health

(Message received through Parvati )

On Our Bodies’ Health
The body is a precious gift to be taken care of, kept clean, well-rested, with sufficient water and air, movement and nutrition. Just as with a machine, if one part is not attended to, it can affect the whole mechanism.
Treat the body as you would a fine, valuable, rare instrument. If you had a fine, rare instrument, you would keep it in a safe case when not using it, you would keep it tuned and polished. And you would play it frequently, savoring its unique sound and the quality of that sound.
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If you open a newspaper…

(Message received vía Parvati on Sept.11th, 2019)
If you open a newspaper or read news on the computer, every day you will feel some shock. And every day it will be a new development. Even if still war is raging in one country, next day’s headlines will focus on the next disaster or the next horrific crime. Then, it gets replaced next day. Not that the dilemmas are resolved, but next headline has to be the next shock. Continue reading “If you open a newspaper…”

If One Practises Swádhyáya

If one practises Swádhyáya (Self-Study) with all purest intent on becoming one with the Higher Being, then what is revealed at this stage is like a cleansing of the soul. Swádhyáya is the fifth pathway of the Fivefold Path. It is to be taken in all earnest because to really know oneself, one has to be willing to experience all aspects of his person. Some of that is painful; some is difficult to face but the ultimate goal is to be one with the Master. Until one’s personality is cleansed and purified one cannot attain that level where "I and my Father are One". Continue reading “If One Practises Swádhyáya”


What he is going through now is, in a sense, a part of the ego dying. The fight is holding on to the ego and all of its trappings. Always the ego has choices. No one can interfere in these choices. One makes the choice to follow the ego further into disillusion and one must pay the price for such folly. Continue reading “Ego”

Health Can Improve with One Hour Homa Daily

        Health can improve with one hour Homa daily. We are fortunate today to have such a method of healing. Of course if you continue to abuse your body with bad foods or cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc., you will find contradictions in your lifestyle. You’ll have to choose one way or the other. At that point Agnihotra will aid in making a right decision. Life’s problems catch up to you quicker, the faster you live your life.

Continue reading “Health Can Improve with One Hour Homa Daily”