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Category: Shree Vasant’s Messages
Never Feel Your Voice is Too Small
August 16, 2021 Shree Vasant
(as received via Parvati in meditation)
When so many are suffering on the planet, those of you who have been blessed to be in such heavenly Homa environments, should be sending love and blessing to all who are in need at this time.
Expand your healing circles to include places, as well. Focus on specific places at the height of the catastrophes that are occurring at each place. (more…)When faced with your own mortality…
December 17, 2016 Shree Vasant
(Guidance received through Parvati.)When faced with your own mortality, when loved ones are passing away or family members are leaving, instead of focusing on your own death, focus on your life.
Many of you will live long lives, many years beyond this moment. When you allow your mind to ponder over your own death, you miss the present moment.
Look instead at your life.
Am I living according to my beliefs?
Am I being true to myself in all I do, in all I speak and, ultimately, in all I think and feel?
Am I kind? How can I be kinder?
Am I loving? How can I widen the sphere of people in my life who can receive love through my instrument?You Have a Choice
(Guidance received through Parvati.)
Are you having meetings altogether, not to plan or to address problems, but to chant Mantras together, to sing or to study Fivefold Path aloud altogether?This is important now. It is time to strengthen and shore up your resolve. It is a time to focus inward.
100th Birth Anniversary of Shree Vasant
13th May 2021 is the 100th Birth Anniversary of Shree Vasant.
Sarvajit Paranjpe, Shree’s grandson wrote:
13th May 2021 is the 100th Birth Anniversary of Shree Vasant. Shree Vasant was one of the disciples of Parama Sadguru Shree Maharaj who was commanded to share the message of Fivefold Path and Agnihotra. Message was simple, “Heal the atmosphere, and the healed atmosphere will heal you.”
Many people all over the world perform daily disciplines recommended by Him; the performance of Agnihotra and various healing Yajnyas. He promoted Environmental Sustainability and Self-Sustainability. He revealed to us the path to love and caring for Nature.Concentration, Contemplation, Meditation
December 24, 2020 Shree Vasant
(Message received through Parvati)Set aside time every day for this practice of Meditation, during which you begin with focus and concentration on a single point, a sound, a Mantra or simply on your breath.
Concentration should be an attempt to remain in a one-pointed focused state without being distracted by outside noises or inside thought patterns.
Science of Kriya Yoga
On the Science of Kriya Yoga
Only will and effort are the deciding factors and not the human judgment about what seems to be the result. It is not given to man to judge because his understanding is not qualified to do that.
On Agnihotra Ash
On Agnihotra Ash
It is true that Agnihotra atmosphere heals and a special system is set up in ancient tradition whereby the person who performs Agnihotra, when they ingest the ash from the Agnihotra they performed, the Agnihotra ash becomes especially healing, as does the Agnihotra. Another reason why everyone should make their own Agnihotra pyramid fire.Events Have Changed the Course of History
(Message given through Parvati)
December 31, 2020Now this is the end of a pivotal year in the history of humankind. Events that took place in this past year have changed the course of history and created new avenues for the world, in communication, in cooperation and in transportation! Indeed, the changes have been quite severe and a reduction of travel, a reduction of interaction between people has erupted. We see these changes as temporary, though not without profound effects.
Conspiracy Theories
Dear all,
The following message was received from Shree Vasant during meditation, in response to a request I had received for guidance about the crises in the world. I felt it could apply to all of us so I am sharing it with you.Be well, strong and focused. Remember Divine Love is omnipresent!
ParvatiThese are Most Difficult Times
November 6, 2020 Shree Vasant
(received by Parvati in meditation)
These are most difficult times in the world. All that was foretold is coming to pass. You who were told before, should not be so surprised.
Rather, respond to events and circumstances with an even temper, a measured gait, a calm heart, a clear mind, and move as one in UNITY.
These are divisive times that pit brother against brother, nation against nation, races against races. And it is the race of time!