
           When you practice Tapa, destiny changes and by Grace, ego is whittled away. All temptation, all desire is removed by Grace. Thus you become more capable to fulfill your allotted task. Then peace and bliss just rain on you.

           The pressure from other planets is great now. So all of you must focus on Meditation and Yajnya. Do Yajnya wherever you go. Move with the fire in all humility as Grace is being given for this work. Continue reading “Tapa”

YAJNYA effects are Now Amplified

         YAJNYA effects are now amplified. Fifteen minutes of Yajnya is completely rejuvenating and the healing effects of Yajnya and Agnihotra are now amplified to the highest degree. You will notice change in the atmosphere instantly after fire is done.>

       Efficiency in action is Yoga. Whether the work is small or big, with every event a unit of time is consumed. That means a chunk of your life is bitten off. Do you want this to be spent efficiently or wasted? With one-pointed attention you are more likely to bring efficiency.

        If you believe Agnihotra to be beneficial and you do not mind practicing Daan but Tapa you don’t want, then you will get benefits from practice of Agnihotra and practice of Daan. However, without TAPA one cannot rise higher. But this is the person’s choice. That is ‘you take what you like and leave the rest’ adage. However do not then expect benefits to come from what was the rest you left.

Continue reading “YAJNYA effects are Now Amplified”

Let Mistakes be a Springboard for the Future

         Do not become miserable over past mistakes. Let it be a springboard for the future.

         All the time have Mantra on your lips, all the time. Do not become thrown to and from every day by troubles in life. At least say, “For this trouble I am deeply grateful, as this is my Karma and it shall no longer anger me, but humble me.” Then the whole thing changes. You can reverse your negative life Karma. Try it.

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Keep Silence One Hour a Day

       Silence. Keep silence one hour a day, at any point in the day. Each day find something to do which makes you happy. Any small thing. You will become aware that this will make others happy as well.

       Cycles of birth and death are never ending. TO HAVE THIS OPPORTUNITY IN THIS LIFE TO TRANSCEND IS LIBERATION. It is a time for total surrender, but do not surrender to a physical form, but to the Divine. Indeed, HE is above all — PURE and completely ONE.

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All Our Sense Organs are Focused Outwards

       All of our sense organs are focused outwards and not inwards. The sense of touch, the sense of sight, smell, etc., all these five sense organs. Then the body gets used to finding pleasure through these sense organs. All the time the body is trying to seek pleasure by making use of these senses to procure material things and specific situations. So that means, we have to take care how we feed all these five sense organs, so that this ‘I am the body’ consciousness is not more fattened and it is reduced. Continue reading “All Our Sense Organs are Focused Outwards”

Purify and Simplify Your Life

         Concentrate on being pure of thought, word and deed. Purify and simplify your life. Learn to think of others and less of yourself. Less and less and less. Then emotional problems, faults, inconsistencies, fears, bad habits, all disappear.

         If you begin thinking about the other person, you have no time to think of your own frailties. No doubt you should be aware of them but do not dwell on them. It has the same effect as the person who thinks he is perfect. He struts around the stage of life totally unaware of his effect on others and others’ needs. Still the same, if a person walks around thinking he is terrible, feeling depressed he has no time to listen to others’ problems. Same thing and the same effect. Think of others to get rid of your ego. Continue reading “Purify and Simplify Your Life”

To Change Another Person’s Perspective

           The most effective way to change another person’s perspective behavior, attitudes is by your own example. If the person is judgmental towards others, once you notice this fault in them, let it go. Otherwise you are also in danger of doing the same. Then show acceptance and tolerance to that individual. Do not be afraid of the person, what they will say or do to you. If you are reacting with love where is the question of fear? Continue reading “To Change Another Person’s Perspective”