We Have to Train the Mind

             Working on oneself is an ongoing process, but not all done on a conscious level. The idea of “learning to love oneself” and care and nurture one’s own needs is quite healthy. But again, much can be accomplished in this direction by increasing one’s awareness and strengthening one’s devotion. Through service to others, for example, one learns to love oneself as he loves others. Of course, the reverse is true. Continue reading “We Have to Train the Mind”

Suffering Prepares a Person for God

When there is more trouble oftentimes there is more opportunity to teach the fire. Suffering prepares a person for God. Now all of man is suffering the effects of pollution. So Agnihotra can go all over the world now.

       Now comes a time when we have to learn to live in this world and still maintain spiritual life. People generally are not able to integrate the two. Of course that is everyone’s lesson in this time. We cannot run off to the Himalayan mountains and live like monks. It is not that way now. Continue reading “Suffering Prepares a Person for God”

Misery Loves Company

             When you become more aware of things around you, you know things automatically. Still one must be still. For example we may be aware of what you are thinking but if you do not tell us we do not have the right to intervene. We can say some things to give indication but we cannot say directly. It is like that both in thought and action at a certain stage.

      Then other things happen once you rise a little higher. People begin to tell you everything they are thinking, feeling. Then you have even greater responsibility to guide, to listen, to comfort, to heal. BUT NOT INTERFERE.

Continue reading “Misery Loves Company”

Life Goals

            One has to develop in life goals for oneself. You can have short -term and long-term goals. Then it is good to keep these goals in mind when making decisions in life. Your goals are your choice. But it is important to examine them and perhaps to outline a plan for achieving them. Always keep in mind that there are more choices available to you than appear at any given time. Keep good company.

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