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Listen More, Speak Less
Master Shree Vasant looking at Mother Mary, who radiantly appears in the flame of the Holy Homa Fire.
Watch Shree give this message.Speak less your thoughts and opinions. Listen more and let the words be spoken through you. This is the meaning of silence. Silence is Golden. Silence does not mean simply not speaking. When you keep silence, make it begin with speech and make it extend to the formulation of thoughts.
When a thought is being formed, if it is not one which will serve to enlighten, to inspire or to educate, better stop the thought process.
Then when you do speak, it will reflect a peaceful heart. Words will come with more kindness and love. (more…)Agnihotra in Jalgaon, India
Wonderful meeting with over 50 Agnihotra fires in Jalgaon thanks to the organizing talents of Mr. Devidas Wani, Mr. Jitubhai Kutmutia, Mr. Shamkant Chinchole, his wife Ujwala, Anne and Bruce from Tapovan and many other helpers.
Good News from Shreedham Homa Farm, Algodonales, Spain
Juan Rodriguez writes:
With Homas, Biosol Gloria and much Love we are achieving a vegetable harvest which is abundant, nutritious, beautiful and healthy.On Full moon (30th of June) we could share very special moments with Christa’s Yoga group from Puerto de Santa Maria, in chanting the Om Tryambakam together.
So Many Different Spiritual Paths
There are so many different paths available and so much confusion as a result. There are those who as spiritual seekers try on spiritual tenets as if clothes in a boutique. Tiring quickly of the new outlook they go on to the next shop for their next esoteric thrill.
With daily Agnihotra practice we begin the process of self healing and assist people in breaking down barriers to success, good health and inner wisdom.
Once the soul is willing to serve the Master, the Master will always provide the way, the best way for the devotee to serve. Learn to be like a warrior and not worrier.
If one looks at what is difficult in one’s life as a challenge rather than as a blockage one can easily rise above the situation. (more…)
Homa Therapy in Bhutan
A travel Report from Dr. Thimmaiah, India
I had an opportunity to visit Bhutan from 2nd June to 17th June 2007, on an invitation from the Ministry of Agriculture, Royal Govt. of Bhutan. The purpose of the visit was to train the extension workers of the Agriculture Department in Low-cost Sustainable Agriculture by utilizing the local resources and also to provide a road map to Improve Livelihoods of small and marginal farmers through organic farming in their Tenth Five Year Plan.
Patience is a Virtue
Patience is a virtue which should be inculcated. Patience will carry you further in life. Patience tempers expectation and gives one the breathing room one needs for spiritual development to take place.
When one meets the Sadguru, it is never what is called a ‘chance encounter.’ It is always a blessing and often a turning point in one’s life. All lives, past and present, sit before HIM as He gently rearranges the molecules and cells of the body with one Hand held before you in blessings. (more…)
We are not here to Change People
Self Development
We are not here to change people. If they change or evolve in this atmosphere or in our presence, wonderful. If they are willing to serve, to help the work, spread Agnihotra, then we say "Thank you. Do this, Thank you". Process of self development is just that SELF DEVELOPMENT Not I develop you. I develop me. You develop you. If it is like that if you can be instrumental in to change that is different. Assisting others to change infers that:
(a) They are willing to change.
(b) They are already in the process of change.Perhaps they have asked you that you help them. That is also different. Do not offer your opinions or ideas or suggestions unless asked. If someone asks you, you say "If it is Divine will whatever words I speak let them be HIS". Then when you open your mouth to speak out will come TRUTH. (more…)
Healing Past Resentments
Unless past resentments are healed, the person develops an illness or disease in the body that carries more resentment. Many diseases especially Cancer are due to harboring old hurts, old resentments, in particular, anger.
For so many, cupboards are bare. So many walk the earth without shoes on their feet. KARMA. AGNIHOTRA, gift to humankind brings great prosperity, peace and bliss to the planet.
World is concerned with economics and material prosperity. Let us then, use the language they understand and they will listen. AGNIHOTRA gives you material prosperity and a mind full of love. (more…)
Europeans Beware
When the Chernobyl nuclear accident happened in 1986, I had a farm near Graz in Austria. The Austrian Government immediately issued that every farmer had to carry milk and fodder for testing for radioactivity. When I did this, the inspectors were shocked, because they found only normal radioactivity levels in our milk and fodder samples while all the farmers in the surrounding area had high doses in their samples. The inspectors said it was not possible to have normal radioactivity after Chernobyl and is there anything special that I do on my farm?
I told them that my farm was using ancient Ayurveda technology to grow food which is now presented as HOMA Organic Farming Technology. (more…)Huglett´s Wood Homa Farm, Sussex, UK – Sanctuary For Animals
Huglett´s Wood Farm nestles deep within the rolling hills of the Sussex High Weald. It is the only HOMA & AHIMSA (non-violent) farm in the UK and the only farm animal sanctuary, which operates a dedicated Cow Protection Program.