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Aida Aguilar’s Healing
Miami, Florida,
USA“My name is Aida Aguilar and I practice Agnihotra since June 1994. Since I remember, I was always a very depressed person, full of fear, without any self-esteem. There were times when I took antidepressants, went to the psychologist, did all kinds of workshops, read hundreds of motivational books, did visualizations, meditations, practiced forgiveness exercises, etc. Sometimes, it all seemed pointless.
What is HOMA Therapy?
HOMA is a Sanskrit word used here synonymously with YAJNYA. YAJNYA is the technical term from the Vedic science of bioenergy denoting the process of removing the toxic conditions of the atmosphere through the agency of fire. This means healing and purifying of the atmosphere with fire as the medium. The central idea in HOMA Therapy is:
You heal the atmosphere and the healed atmosphere heals you.
Agnihotra in Sampayong Buddhist Temple in Lumphun, Thailand
Mr. Alan Yong writes about Agnihotra teachings in Thailand:
“On 21st May 2009, Kantipong and Nisachon, a Thai couple from Bangkok and I, flew to Chiangmai, a tourist town in Thailand. We were met by Robert Bagnall, a US citizen who have been residing in Chiangmai for more than 10 years. (more…)When Carrying These Mantras to the People
You have to get a little acclimatized to this material world without getting into it.
The effect of bad Karma can be wiped out by intense practice of good Karma and more YAJNYA.
You are in the world. You have to move among the people. Do not become like the people in a worldly sense, but, at the same time, never think you are “above” the people. It is like you walk through a crowd of people but you don’t mingle for long. You keep the pace walking through the crowd. You have to have this direction. WALK ONLY THROUGH THE CROWD, NOT INTO IT.Kidneys Love Agnihotra Ash
Are you suffering from back pain? Do you like to wear tight jeans and short T-shirts, exposing your back to wind? Do you ride a motorcycle or drive a car with open windows? Do you have cold feet? Do you drink little water? Do you have sometimes swellings in the area below the eyes?
A friend of mine woke up in the morning with a swelling in the area below the eyes. During the day, it got better, but the next morning again the swelling (like edemas) was there. The young woman was on a protein diet eating mostly milk and soy products in order to lose weight and at the same time to feel satisfied. Again and again the back pain appeared. She did not take the time to drink sufficient water; she was very busy and also had some family problems to deal with. (more…)
Conversations with Trees
It was a gorgeous, sparkling, full moon day at Bhrugu Aranya, the lovely Homa Organic farm in Wysoka, Poland. With a lot of dedication and commitment, the healing fires of Agnihotra and Yajnya have been performed there daily for nearly thirteen years. Jarek Bizberg, president of Terapia Homa Foundation, and his wife, Parvati, began the farm in 1995. Since then, others have joined them, their families have grown, and they have a thriving international Homa community. (more…)
One Word of Kindness
If you go more and more into these disciplines, you will live in harmony. One word of kindness does more than twenty words of criticism or insult. One kind word, one kind thought, all the time. Smile.
Eat in moderation and observe the tendencies of your mind. Do not follow it helter skelter. Just observe your mind like you are a traffic policeman, watching, watching.
Negative forces have been stopped. Energy pattern shifts. There will be safe havens where fire is performed. BUILD THE ARKS OF FIRE ON LAND. Homa fire heals now. (more…)
Agnihotra Farm in Massachusetts, USA
Here in rural, western Massachusetts, about two and a half hours from Boston, we live on 6.4 acres of land that has a large vegetable, flower, and herb garden. For the past few years here I have been doing Agnihotra and other healing fires while caring for the land, growing vegetables and some fruits using Homa fires.
Farmers Gathering in Maheshwar, India
A new program is being implemented by the Agricultural Department (at Municipality level) in the whole state of Madhya Pradesh. The different departments have to conduct at least two farmer’s gathering programs every year in the Monsoon (Kharif) and in the Winter (Rabi) season to make farmers aware of the new technologies, methods and practices to solve the problems faced by the farmers. The Agricultural Department from Maheshwar invited Fivefold Path Mission to address the gathering, as this year the District Khargone faced a huge crop loss due to seasonal changes and pest attacks.
Abel Hernandez and Sarvajit Paranjpe addressed the gathering and talked about HOMA Farming and Homa Therapy and explained how agricultural and health problems can be overcome with the help of this ancient healing method.
Agnihotra Practice in Switzerland
A circle of healers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland met to perform together the Agnihotra healing fire.
“We are One” is the message! We live in One world! One Humanity! One eternal truth!