Mr. Alan Yong writes about Agnihotra teachings in Thailand:
“On 21st May 2009, Kantipong and Nisachon, a Thai couple from Bangkok and I, flew to Chiangmai, a tourist town in Thailand. We were met by Robert Bagnall, a US citizen who have been residing in Chiangmai for more than 10 years.
The four of us went to Sampayang Temple in Lumphun, about 20 minutes from Chiangmai to introduce Agnihotra. We were met by Pra Kuba, the Chief Abbot of Sanpayong Temple. He managed to gather his disciples and devotees to listen to the Agnihotra talk given by Robert Bagnall.
After the talk, they were given a treat of the ash, some applied on theirs hands and legs and some just ingested them. Everyone including the monks were very happy with us and they requested us to go back again the following week. So, Robert Bagnall committed to teach Agnihotra every Sunday in this Temple.”