Homa Therapy International


  • Homa Therapy Teachers’ Certification Course in Tapovan, Maharashtra, India

    The first Homa Therapy Teachers’ Certification Course was held at Tapovan in India from February 22 to 24. It was a 3 day residential course. A small group of experienced Agnihotra practitioners attended the course.

    They included Dr R.K. Pathak from Lucknow, ex-director of ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research), Mr. and Mrs. Anand Gaikwad from Thane who have a Resonance Point on their Homa farm, Mr. Umakant Tiwari from Unnao who also has a Resonance Point on his Homa farm, Mr. Aaron Kidd from Australia who is working here in Tapovan and also in Maheshwar and Mr. Sanjay Patil, who is the manager of the Tapovan Homa farm. (more…)

  • Wait Before Speaking

    Practice this today.
    Where is the question of NOT feeling joy? Do Mantra.
    Let only HIS words come from your lips. Wait before speaking as if you had a filter between your thoughts and your speech. That filter screens your thoughts and only allows those of Purity and Light to come through. You come to know that you are the thought, the word and the filter. This is how you learn control of speech. (more…)

  • News of Homa Therapy in Australasia – June 2012

    Agnihotra in New Zealand Workshop Tour Nov 2011

    workshop in NZ

    Workshop in small rural community, Awhitu, Nth of Auckland

    Lee & Frits travelled through the Nth & Sth Island of NZ teaching Homa Therapy.
    There were big crowds and small but overall lots of people took up Agnihotra and it feels now like Homa Therapy is truly established in NZ. Fifteen workshops were organised and 4 more were spontaneously added to the itinerary. We also had 4 radio interviews and 2 or 3 newspaper articles published.

    Read more…

  • Interview with Irma Garcia in ‘The Speaking Tree’

    The Speaking Tree is a regular column in the Times of India newspaper.

    June 22, 2012.
    HARSH KABRA talks to IRMA GARCIA who gave up a high-profile UN job two decades ago to practise Homa Therapy and Homa Organic Farming. At 70, the indefatigable Venezuelan divides her time between the Homa Therapy Goshala at Maheshwar in Madhya Pradesh and travelling around the world to propagate the benefits of Homa Therapy to restore environmental and mental balance.

    Read the complete interview…

  • Agnihotra on Kuantan Beach, Malaysia

    Mr. Alan Wong reports from Malaysia:

    “On 1st May 2012, a total of 22 Agnihotris gathered at Kuantan beach, East Coast of Malaysia to perform early morning Agnihotra.”

    “After waiting for the Agnihotra fire to extinguish completely, we then practised sun gazing for 15 minutes followed by Sun Salutation exercise.”

    “The participants felt exuberant and fully charged after the practices and all promised to return next Sunday morning.”

  • Establishing Resonance Points on Farms in Andhra Pradesh, India

    Mr. Dhananjay Jog writes from Bangalore:

    “I am enclosing a photo, where Mr Mulay (photo right) and his wife are establishing Homa Resonance Points on farms in Andhra Pradesh. They did that in two villages in Chittoor District. Previously I had conducted there weekly (from September to November, 2011) Agnihotra & Homa Farming awareness camps in the villages Kothaindlu in Tirupati Mandal and Chandam in Kuppam Mandal of Chittoor District. (more…)

  • Anything Which Infatuates the Ego is not the Spiritual Path.

          Anything which infatuates the ego is not part of spiritual path.

          Release the pain. Turn all attention to God for He will reveal to you your true mission in life. THAT IS TO SERVE AND TO HEAL.

          Be truth. Be patient. Be full of love. Be compassion. All that you seek, be that. Clear away the illusion. All the joy you seek is already within you.


  • Forget These Emotions

                    Forget these emotions. We know these desires. You must rise. Happiness can not be found in relationship between man and woman alone. Without yearning for that higher love the lower self remains unnourished as the higher self realizes its dilemma. Make happiness dependent on no one man or woman. All happiness is in the hands of the Almighty. Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.


  • “Fenix” Rehabilitation Center for Drug Addicts, Calarcá, Quindio, Colombia

    During March we visited the “Fenix” Rehabilitation Center for Drug Addicts in Calarcá, Quindio.

    Here, the Agnihotra flames emanate a lot of light and surprise us with their strength. Agnihotra calms the mind, soothes the aches and the painful memories of these young people.

    Sharing Agnihotra with the group of young people from “Fenix”. The Homa volunteer, Franklin Cerinza, (2nd from right) arrived from Bogota to offer his support. Franklin has been practicing Agnihotra regularly for several years and has many experiences.

  • Thursdays in ‘Grandma’s Pharmacy’ Armenia, Colombia

    The Homa Medical Center La Botica de la Abuela, (Grandma’s Pharmacy) continues with the daily teachings and practice of Agnihotra fire. Many people are coming and receive the blessings of the healing fire through the improvement of their health and mental state of happiness. Prof. Abel speaks tirelessly about the beneficial effects at all levels and shows video testimonials and we also hear amazing testimonies from the participants. (more…)