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Swaraj Goodary, Grand Gaube, Mauritius, Africa
Mr. Swaraj Goodary
Grand Gaube, Mauritius, Africa
Agnihotra has come as a blessing to us. There has been a good sanskar* established in our small family. We get together with the kids every evening for the practice of Agnihotra.
They have learned the Mantras and are eager to participate.
(Photo: Our daughters practicing Tryambakam Homa.)(more…)
On Agnihotra
Agnihotra is merely a stepping stone in one’s spiritual development. Agnihotra prepares the mind for the dawning of higher knowledge. In enables the mind to be free, to be clear-thinking, by scientific methods as given through Vedas. It is so simple and the cost is minimal. You pay nothing except to purchase one copper pyramid-shaped pot. The supplies to be burned are very inexpensive and simple to obtain. Nothing is required. This was given and shall always continue to be given. (more…)
Manisha Seenarain, Notre Dame, Mauritius, Africa
(Photo: Mrs. Manisha Seenarain, her husband,
their three daughters and mother-in-law
in front of Agnihotra healing fire.)Mrs. Manisha Seenarain
Notre Dame, Mauritius, Africa
First of all, I would like to thank Mrs. Shruti and Mr. Janardhun from the bottom of my heart for the light they have brought to our lives in the name of Agnihotra…
Everything was upside down in my house due to the fact that my husband was deeply dependent on alcohol.Gratification of Desires
On Desires
By pursuit of material wealth of all sorts and by all means, one may experience plentifully the avenues of ‘enjoyment.’ However, one thing is absolutely certain. You can never be happy until you renounce them all and eliminate your desires for such enjoyment. It is the burden of desires that makes us unhappy. Being attached to material things that one has and hankering after things one does not have is the surest way to make all life miserable. (more…)
Christmas Message from Shree Vasant
December 25, 2021 Shree Vasant
(as received via Parvati in meditation)Imagine that you are carrying a precious lamp able to light the world. If each of you would realize your fullest potential, you would surely move forward with no hesitation into the darkest of nights. (more…)
Christmas Message from Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj
Message from Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj25th December 2013 (via Parvati)
That which you see is only a portion of what IS.
That which you hear is only a small part of what is being told.
We are everywhere you look.
Even when you do not see
We are present.
We are there.
We are here.
We are always with you.
Let the Light of Truth shine forth,
Clear, with no shadow
With only pure Light. (more…)More Contact Now with Other Galaxies
On other galaxies
One interesting thing is that there is more contact now between our planet and other galaxies. If you look into this subject, you will find an enormous store of information never before published or disclosed which governments of the world are privy to. There are plans to corrupt the atmosphere so that these planetary communications can be halted. Planetary communications which come without words but with great influx of energies all directed toward the healing of this planet. (more…)Special Fire for Afghanistan
August 21, 2021, Shree Vasant in group meeting
(Present: Jarek, Ulrich, Suwindi, Maria K, Barry, Rory & Asia, Tom & Ann. Message received via Parvati.)
Ulrich: The situation in the world is full of suffering. What can we really do? Apart from 12 noon healing daily, which feels quite powerful, how to use the tools we have to help more people?
Never Feel Your Voice is Too Small
August 16, 2021 Shree Vasant
(as received via Parvati in meditation)
When so many are suffering on the planet, those of you who have been blessed to be in such heavenly Homa environments, should be sending love and blessing to all who are in need at this time.
Expand your healing circles to include places, as well. Focus on specific places at the height of the catastrophes that are occurring at each place. (more…)When faced with your own mortality…
December 17, 2016 Shree Vasant
(Guidance received through Parvati.)When faced with your own mortality, when loved ones are passing away or family members are leaving, instead of focusing on your own death, focus on your life.
Many of you will live long lives, many years beyond this moment. When you allow your mind to ponder over your own death, you miss the present moment.
Look instead at your life.
Am I living according to my beliefs?
Am I being true to myself in all I do, in all I speak and, ultimately, in all I think and feel?
Am I kind? How can I be kinder?
Am I loving? How can I widen the sphere of people in my life who can receive love through my instrument?