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Author: aleta
Agnihotra Sessions in the Paul Nogier Polyclinic, Carabayllo EsSalud, Lima, Peru
In the Primary Care Center III Carabayllo EsSalud, under the mantle of Complementary Medicine, Therapist Edwin Cruzado Alayo (Monk Chen Ting), specialized in Chinese acupuncture, continues with two weekly Agnihotra sessions (photos above). (more…)
Bhargava Dham and its Noble Task for the Planet
Bhargava Dham is situated in Elqui Valley, Chile. Since the activities started in Bhargava Dham, many beautiful things have been experienced in this very special place. A story full of dedication and service that is still in progress, being written with the pen of love of the Masters and Beings of Light that are permanently present in each stone, in each plant, in each grain of sand of the sacred Cochiguaz River.
Bhargava Dham: A Jewel for Humanity in the Heart of the Cordillera de los Andes, Chile
Bhargava Dham is a very special place, totally dedicated to the practice, study, teaching and dissemination of Homa Therapy in all its aspects. It began its activities in 2004, when it was acquired by Mrs. Carmen Hurtado, by direct indication of Master Shree Vasant V. Paranjpe, who spread Homa Therapy in the West. (more…) Shree Vasant’s Message at Conference on Atmospheric Healing, Shivapuri, Akkalkot, India, Christmas 1983
In this world at present the forces of evil are very powerful. Human greed and avarice have led to destruction of environment via pollution of every element which makes up our environment. Our land resources, water resources, the air we breathe – all are polluted. This contaminates the food that we eat, the very soil in which we sow seeds to grow our own food. Something must be done. So we must become involved in environmental studies and groups which are pushing to prevent such destruction of environment. It is important. Now we need to introduce a solution to the problem as well.
The solution is Agnihotra. (more…)Seven Days of Continuous Tryambakam Homa Globally
On May 18, we completed the 7-Days of continuous Tryambakam Homa globally – an achievement through the union of many Agnihotris. The average of Tryambakam Homa practiced daily was 160 hours – illuminating hearts.
With the continuous practice of Agnihotra and with the Tryambakam Homa:
– we purify the atmosphere, – we raise the vibrations, – we increase the light of peace and love on our planet, -we catch nutrients from space for Mother Earth,
– and we have also been able to celebrate the
BIRTHDAY OF THE MASTERS OF THE SACRED HOMA FIRES. Thanks to MAHASHREE and SHREE VASANT we have Homa Therapy. This tool for healing, for light and protection, for well-being, for service… and love was given into our hands to use it day by day and to receive its constant blessings …Swaraj Goodary, Grand Gaube, Mauritius, Africa
Mr. Swaraj Goodary
Grand Gaube, Mauritius, Africa
Agnihotra has come as a blessing to us. There has been a good sanskar* established in our small family. We get together with the kids every evening for the practice of Agnihotra.
They have learned the Mantras and are eager to participate.
(Photo: Our daughters practicing Tryambakam Homa.)(more…)
Manisha Seenarain, Notre Dame, Mauritius, Africa
(Photo: Mrs. Manisha Seenarain, her husband,
their three daughters and mother-in-law
in front of Agnihotra healing fire.)Mrs. Manisha Seenarain
Notre Dame, Mauritius, Africa
First of all, I would like to thank Mrs. Shruti and Mr. Janardhun from the bottom of my heart for the light they have brought to our lives in the name of Agnihotra…
Everything was upside down in my house due to the fact that my husband was deeply dependent on alcohol.Christmas Message from Shree Vasant
December 25, 2021 Shree Vasant
(as received via Parvati in meditation)Imagine that you are carrying a precious lamp able to light the world. If each of you would realize your fullest potential, you would surely move forward with no hesitation into the darkest of nights. (more…)
More Contact Now with Other Galaxies
On other galaxies
One interesting thing is that there is more contact now between our planet and other galaxies. If you look into this subject, you will find an enormous store of information never before published or disclosed which governments of the world are privy to. There are plans to corrupt the atmosphere so that these planetary communications can be halted. Planetary communications which come without words but with great influx of energies all directed toward the healing of this planet. (more…)Special Fire for Afghanistan
August 21, 2021, Shree Vasant in group meeting
(Present: Jarek, Ulrich, Suwindi, Maria K, Barry, Rory & Asia, Tom & Ann. Message received via Parvati.)
Ulrich: The situation in the world is full of suffering. What can we really do? Apart from 12 noon healing daily, which feels quite powerful, how to use the tools we have to help more people?