Application of Agnihotra Ash for Enhancing Soil Fertility

Excerpt from the International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2015

Chanda Berde, Arvind Kulkarni, Arati Potphode, Anand Gaikwad and Snehalata Gaikwad
Department of Biological Sciences, Gogate Jogalekar College, Ratnagiri.

The effect of addition of Agnihotra ash to farm soil was analysed. Four farm soil samples and one soil sample from newly purchased land were selected for the study. Initial microbial count was taken before addition of ash. Ash supplemented soil was analysed after incubation of one week. The microbial count of soil before and after ash addition was enumerated. A marked difference in the count was observed. Addition of ash results in increase in the overall bacterial flora, including the effective bacteria i.e nitrogen fixers and phosphate solubilisers while reduction in the fungal flora was seen.

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Mind Wants to Escape the Nectar

    All the time, the mind wants to escape the nectar and go into the world of these sense desires. All the time. Many suffer in the world with no idea why they suffer. At least, if you choose the life of misery, you know you choose it. To have that awareness alone is precious. To make the right choices is even better. So, one must learn to take joy in the spiritual life.

   Community must come up in every place where Agnihotris are doing the work. Continue reading “Mind Wants to Escape the Nectar”

Agnihotra: A Social Sculpture, Caracas, Venezuela

Gustavo Leon writes from Caracas, Venezuela:

      "I am plastic artist and practitioner of Homa Therapy since 1999 in Venezuela. I am sending this email with photographs of events called "AGNIHOTRA: A Social Sculpture", which has been ongoing since early this year in the museums: African American Museum (MAA) and Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC) in Caracas by the Civil non-profit Association “Colectivo 5 Umbrales”, which is directed by Ingrid Ruiz and myself.
        “AGNIHOTRA: A SOCIAL SCULPTURE” is an art proposal in the contemporary language of performance art.

 Photos show "Agnihotra – a social sculpture" activities in the MAC on 3rd and 17th of Sept., 2015 Continue reading “Agnihotra: A Social Sculpture, Caracas, Venezuela”

Suffering in Whole World is so Severe Now

        Suffering in whole world is so severe now. People do not know what is yet to come. One must never be greedy or selfish when given such Grace.

        In the world, there are many distractions, voices that call you from every direction. Stay one-pointed. Those of you, who walk in Light, hold true to all that has been shown to you to be true. Do not be deterred. We are with you all. Divine Light will guide your way home. Come together in Unity, in harmony, in devotion.

Shree with young Sohan Fernandez, 1988 in Versova, Mumbai, India. Continue reading “Suffering in Whole World is so Severe Now”

12th International Congress of Complementary Medicine, Santiago, Chile

        "The 12th International Congress of Complementary Medicine was held August 22-23 2015, in Santiago, Chile and featured promotion of Agnihotra and Homa Therapy.
  The Congress was organized by the School of Oriental Medicine and Culture, the Amanecer Clinic, and Fivefold Path Foundation Chile, a foundation recently created for the support of Agnihotra and Homa Therapy.
(Photo below shows the audience during the dissertation of Prof. Carlos E. Bustamante about Sanskrit and Vedic Philosophy.)

Continue reading “12th International Congress of Complementary Medicine, Santiago, Chile”

Dr Ulrich Berk Presents Homa Therapy in Chile

        "The Fivefold Path Foundation organized a series of talks and presentations, both in Santiago and other regions of the country. In these, Dr. Ulrich Berk (Ph.D.) shared with the audience in a very precise, clear and accurate way some of the results of research made so far and the work that in recent decades, he has been doing to encourage scientists to investigate the enormous benefits of Homa Therapy, whether in the fields of agriculture, medicine or other sciences.
(Photo below during sunset Agnihotra in the Ayurvedic Center.)

At one of the talks held in Santiago in a Center for Ayurveda studies, Ulrich talked about Homa Therapy and health and how Agnihotra may decrease the levels of stress, among other things.

Continue reading “Dr Ulrich Berk Presents Homa Therapy in Chile”

We Must be in Control of the Mind

        We must be in control of the mind, not the mind in control of us. If every small thing can either rise or fall this mind causing ‘mood changes’ constantly, then there can be no serenity, no peace of mind, no clarity of thinking and thus no positive direction can be attained. So aim first to control the mind to be on an even keel with every event – positive or negative – in one’s life. Do you understand? Continue reading “We Must be in Control of the Mind”