Workshop on Agnihotra and Homa Therapy at Organic Farming Community ‘Rio Muchacho’ in Canoa, Ecuador

    " Michelle Balandra, Ecuadorian from New York, writes:
The ‘Organic Farming Community Rio Muchacho’ in Canoa is absolutely wonderful! I felt like staying there. Children, adults, plants and all animals look so happy. There is an atmosphere of joy throughout the farm. Continue reading “Workshop on Agnihotra and Homa Therapy at Organic Farming Community ‘Rio Muchacho’ in Canoa, Ecuador”

Homa Therapy – a Pathologist’s Perspective

Dr. Tomas Zapata Silva, Pathologist
EsSalud State Hospital Merino Molina
Comas, Lima, Peru

         "I am a Medical Clinical Pathologist in the Hospital ‘Marino Molina’ in Comas, Lima, Peru. I have just completed one month with Homa Therapy. I also have experimented with Complementary Medicines for two years. After 30 years of medical practice, it has been disappointing to see the results of what we were taught in Medical School. (Photo: Dr.  Tomas Zapata – left, learned HOMA Therapy with Med. Tech. Christian Alvaro Vasquez. Here practicing Agnihotra in the hospital.)

Continue reading “Homa Therapy – a Pathologist’s Perspective”

Forces Outside are Working to Cause Disharmony

      Forces outside are working to cause disharmony. All these outside forces will be stopped. This is all energy misdirected. YAJNYA is the cure.

   Increase of disease surpasses all scientists’ expectations. We provide the solution with such a simple process of purification i.e. AGNIHOTRA.
The atmosphere we are in determines our health and our state of mind.
Happy atmosphere = Happy plants = Abundant produce and good taste. Continue reading “Forces Outside are Working to Cause Disharmony”

Granja Homa de Don Ismael en Barinas, Venezuela

El Sr. Jesús Manuel Pineda Rivas (foto de la derecha), comparte desde Mérida, Venezuela:
Don Ismael con su hijo Alberto (foto de abajo) viven en los Llanos de Barinas a 5 horas de Mérida. La mamá de Don Ismael es la dueña de la finca. Esa Doña ha sido muy cuidadosa de no permitir venenos en su finca. Don Ismael, respetando los deseos de su mamá, buscó y preguntó por muchos lados hasta que le llegó mi numero de teléfono.

Continue reading “Granja Homa de Don Ismael en Barinas, Venezuela”