Homa Therapy International


  • Terapia Homa – la Perspectiva de un Patólogo

    Dr. Tomas Zapata Silva, Patólogo
    Hospital EsSalud Marino Molina
    Comas, Lima, Peru

             "Soy Médico Patólogo Clínico en el hospital Merino Molina de Comas, Lima, Perú. Tengo recién un mes en el camino de la Terapia Homa y dos años experimentando las Medicinas Complementarias. A raíz de mis 30 años de ejercicio médico, ha sido decepcionante ver el resultado de lo que nos enseñaron en la facultad con lo que veo que hacemos. (Foto: Dr. Tomás Zapata a la izq. con Christian Álvaro Vasquez – con quien aprendió la Terapia Homa- practicando el Agnihotra en el Hospital.)

  • Mantra is a Powerful Tool

          Mantra is a powerful tool when used properly. Power is given through the Mantra. Do not miss meditation timings.

           Best is to cast no blame and seek for the answers why within. To blame another for a fate which has befallen you is to refuse to look within. Then how can you learn your lessons? You look from a higher perspective and you will realize there is no need to blame anyone. If it is too much to bear, lay it at Our Feet and it will be lifted from you. (more…)

  • Tania Gutierrez | My Experience at Om Shree Dham Homa Farm, NSW, Australia

    Tania Gutierrez came over from Peru to have a deepened experience with Homa Therapy. She stayed for about 2 months. She writes:

    Tania, collecting cow dung from our Brahman cows

    I came to Om Shree Dham because I wanted to improve my spirituality and to practice Homa farming. (more…)

  • Homa Therapy in Australasia Newsletter 2016

    News of Homa Therapy in Australasia    2016

    Agnihotra Brings Peace and Relief

    See ‘birds of peace’ manifesting in 3 Agnihotra Fires

    At recent workshop in the Dandenong Mountains Vic. organized by Paras.
    Many young people attended. On right- long time Agnihotri JonRa.


  • Workshop on Agnihotra and Homa Therapy at Organic Farming Community ‘Rio Muchacho’ in Canoa, Ecuador

        " Michelle Balandra, Ecuadorian from New York, writes:
    The ‘Organic Farming Community Rio Muchacho’ in Canoa is absolutely wonderful! I felt like staying there. Children, adults, plants and all animals look so happy. There is an atmosphere of joy throughout the farm. (more…)

  • Homa Therapy Visit to Ecuador after Earthquake

           Ms. Michelle Balandra (far right) and her mother Cecibel Avilez (right), Ecuadorians living in NY, USA visited their homeland after the earthquake to bring help through Homa and other therapies. Ms. Michelle wrote:
    "These (photos below) are a part of the home-made Homa Medicines we prepared for Ecuador.

  • Homa Therapy – a Pathologist’s Perspective

    Dr. Tomas Zapata Silva, Pathologist
    EsSalud State Hospital Merino Molina
    Comas, Lima, Peru

             "I am a Medical Clinical Pathologist in the Hospital ‘Marino Molina’ in Comas, Lima, Peru. I have just completed one month with Homa Therapy. I also have experimented with Complementary Medicines for two years. After 30 years of medical practice, it has been disappointing to see the results of what we were taught in Medical School. (Photo: Dr.  Tomas Zapata – left, learned HOMA Therapy with Med. Tech. Christian Alvaro Vasquez. Here practicing Agnihotra in the hospital.)

  • Homa Pyramid Gathering in the National Park, Bogota, Colombia

           We received the following information and photos (above and below) from Bogota: (more…)

  • Homa Therapy Exhibition in Gleissdorf, Austria

    Reiner y Manuela Sczypior escribieron desde Gleissdorf, Austria:

    "Tuvimos la oportunidad de informar a la comunidad de Gleissdorf sobre la ciencia de la sanación holística Terapia Homa y de la Escuela de la Misión del Quíntuple Sendero a través de exposiciones, presentaciones, charlas y artículos en los periódicos locales. (more…)