Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra: Animals – Earthworms

We previously have discussed two of the three best farmer’s friends: Cows and bees.
The third of these animals are earthworms. Earthworms play a decisive role in improving and maintaining good soil health – and as we have seen before soil health is of utmost importance for survival of mankind (see Homa Health Newsletter 133 from May 13, 2017).
And as already now 25% of fertile soil has been degraded in the last 50 years, regeneration of soil is a big challenge for farming. Earthworms can help with that a lot.

They play a key role in improving soil structure and soil fertility and thus lead to a healthy soil. They consume organic matter on the soil surface or in the soil. This matter is digested in the earthworms’ bodies and turned into a very good organic fertilizer. Continue reading “Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra: Animals – Earthworms”

Children Love Agnihotra


Anthony, from Florida, USA.
He spends a lot of time with his grandma. She taught him how to do Agnihotra.
He is 4 years old.

Mila knows the Fire energy from her mother’s womb and has chosen a Homa family.
Mila and her parents live in Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Aaron is from Piura, Peru. He accompanies his father at Agnihotra. His dad learned it too when he was only a boy. Continue reading “Children Love Agnihotra”

Somayag 2018 – Kharagpur

     In Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, birthplace of Maha Shree (Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj), a Jyotiruktha Somayag was performed in May 2018 to celebrate Maha Shree’s 100th birth anniversary.

The Yajaman, in this case, Achal Apte, represents the element of fire during the Somayag. Only someone who performs Tretagni Agnihotra regularly can become a Yajaman. He carries this Tretagni fire to the place where Somayag is to be performed and from this (Tretagni fire) the Somayag is started. Continue reading “Somayag 2018 – Kharagpur”


     Never cast blame on anyone. Firstly, you do not know the reason why a thing occurs, so you are in error to blame the other person. Secondly, when you point the finger in blame away from yourself, you are actually telling yourself an untruth. Continue reading “Karma”

Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra: Animals – Bees

In Agriculture, there are three helpers from the animal kingdom.
First helper is the cow. Without cows Organic Farming is difficult and Homa Organic Farming is not possible.
Then we have the bees and the earthworms.
About cows we already have talked, so let us now concentrate on the role of bees in agriculture and all Nature.
Of course honey bees are important for producing honey which is a very nutritious substance which also has a lot of healing applications. Even more important though is the role of bees in pollination.

Continue reading “Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra: Animals – Bees”

Satsang Volumen 46 # 2

Centro de Luz – un Milagro en Curso

Hace tres años atrás, el Centro de Luz era tan solo una idea, una visión que fue bendecida. Ahora la construcción de 3 pisos está tomando forma con paredes de paja/barro, múltiples habitaciones, un salón principal y vistas espectaculares de las Montañas Tatra.
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     When you are not ‘clear’ do not act. Be strict with yourself. Then there is no pressure. Truly realize that you are not the doer. If you realize that all burdens fall off your shoulders and you will become more efficient, more strongly motivated and lighter. Forget about past. Put all concentration on what work is now at hand. Observe more silence. Really go within for peace you seek outside. Fortunate are those who have followed the Light through times of darkness, even in times of great disharmony on this planet. Continue following the Light. Allow no fear. Entertain no doubt. Seek no fame for the work being done through you. Always be humble as a child in all innocence. All Grace is bestowed. These are times of great renewal, rebirth in essence. It is time soon to rejoice.

Continue reading “Light”

Satsang Volume 46 No 1

Volunteers Needed for Centre of Light!

Join us this summer at Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya in building the Centre of Light with clay, straw and wood chips. There will be opportunities to participate in natural building workshops and to experience this unique Homa Farm and Ecovillage in southern Poland, one of three Points of Light on the planet. Help manifest Shree’s vision of the Centre of Light, environmental educational and healing centre for all.
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Satsang Volumen 46 # 1

Se Necesitan Voluntarios para el Centro de Luz

Únanse a nosotros este verano en la Ecoaldea para la construcción del Centro de Luz con barro, paja y virutas de madera. Habrá oportunidades para participar en talleres de construcción natural y de experimentar esta singular Granja y Ecoaldea Homa, al sur de Polonia, uno de los tres Puntos de Luz en el planeta. Ayuden a manifestar la visión de Shree del Centro de Luz, un centro de educación medio ambiental y de sanación para todos.
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