
On Self-development

Let us not strain ourselves in an attempt to attain enlightenment. We will catch glimpses along the way of the pure state of “I and my Father are one.” But let the end not be our only impetus. Many people wish only to reach that highest state so they can feel unburdened of worldly pressures and feel at peace with themselves all the time.

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Satsang Volume 48 No 3

Centre of Light Summer Update 2020

Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya
Homa Therapy Foundation, Poland

In these most trying times facing the world today, we have experienced a great increase in visitors, volunteers and people seeking safe haven. Interest in Agnihotra and Homa Therapy has grown exponentially! It appears that many more people are beginning to realize that the world is much more precarious than they could ever imagine.

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Maria Magdalena’s MiniYoga for Children – Part 3

Maria Magdalena Bernales


       Hello everybody! We hope that you are all very well. We greet you very fondly and are grateful for the opportunity given to continue publishing in this Newsletter, which keeps us all close and informed.
      In this opportunity we are going to work with Positive Actions, that is how we present the Law of Karma to children.
We hope with all our heart that you have as many positive results with your children and students as we have had along all these years.
With all love for each one of you,
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Homa Therapy News – Australian and International, July 2020




 Homa Therapy News – July 2020

  • Agnihotra has Transformed the way I Think
  • Bringing Harmony to my Family and to the Farm Animals
  • Agnihotra giving support to Community Activism
  • Compassion and Love growing inside me, Addictive Tendencies falling away
  • Homa Therapy helping Children with Attention Deficit Disorder, Language, Learning and Behavioural Disorders
  • Scientific Validation: Agriculture and Food Quality
  • Om Shree Dham, Homa Therapy Centre Australasia
  • NB. ZOOM Agnihotra Introduction, Demonstration and Q&A, Fortnightly
  • Demonstration of how to perform Agnihotra
  • Demonstration of how to perform Om Tryambakam Homa


Agnihotra Teaching Centre to be at Om Shree Dham, Hunter Valley, NSW

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If You Walk This Path with Absolute Humility…

(Message received by Parvati Rosen-Bizberg in meditation)
3rd of  July, 2020. Shree Vasant

All the years of training, all the teachings of Fivefold Path of the Vedas have revealed to all of you the Path of Light. If you walk this path with absolute humility—whether you fall or rise or fall and rise again from bad habits or succumb to negative circumstances — Divine will catch you. If in your hearts you have the willingness to walk this Path to very best of your ability, the fruits will be received.

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Satsang Volume 48 No 2

Agnihotra-Homa Therapy International Online Seminar

Lisa Powers
Madison, VA, USA

At the initiative of Reiki Vidya Niketan, in conjunction with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Homa Therapie (German Association of Homa Therapy) and Fundacja Terapia Homa (Homa Therapy Foundation, Poland) a 4-day online seminar was held from June 12-15th, 2020. An international group of Certified Homa Therapy Teachers spoke on a wide range of Agnihotra and Homa Therapy aspects. Presentations were scheduled for 2 hours per day. Attendance ranged from 200-340 persons daily.

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