Homa Therapy International


  • Homa Therapy in La Gran Savanna, Venezuela

    Santa Elena de Guairen, La Gran Savanna, Venezuela
    Mrs. Mimi, Ms. Jhoja, Ms. Mariana and friends are intensively practicing Agnihotra and all other Homa fires on a farm close to the border of Brazil. (photo below) We and many Agnihotris are thinking about you and are sending lots of love to this far corner of the planet. Keep up your wonderful work!

  • Homa Therapy in Lithuania

    Andrius Bernardas Dapšys from Lithuania wrote:
    “I’m deeply interested in Homa Therapy. For the last four years, I have worked successfully on a purchased land at rural area in Lithuania with Homa Therapy in growing vegetables and herbs. Here are some photos from my place, my friends and myself.”

  • Speech

    One can expend so much energy, valuable energy on talking. If it is meaningful conversation it is excellent but so much of the interaction between people is wasteful. Always think is it useful? Is it helpful? Is it clear communication? Is it gossip? Is it necessary? One can be extremely spontaneous and full of joy and yet not fall into the trap of meaningless chatter.
    Practice this today. (more…)

  • Homa Therapy with Prime Minister of Tibet

    Navdanya Bija Vidhyapeeth College of Sustainable Living invited us to a seminar on “Mahatma Gandhiji and Globalization.” His Excellency the Venerable Prime Minister of Tibet, Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche, was one of the main speakers. The meeting was held at the organic farm at Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.


  • Planetary Destruction at Bay

                Planetary destruction at bay. Last chance for the planet. All the Devas surround the places of fire. Safe havens. The whole atmosphere is charged. It is like the new dawn. It is all bliss, all love.

                With Divine guidance if you are not there, there is no answering service or automatic fax. If you are out you do not get your message. Observe strictly meditation and Homa timings.


  • Genetic engineering: The world’s greatest scam?

    Genetic engineering is a threat to food security, especially in a changing climate. The introduction of genetically manipulated organisms by choice or by accident grossly undermines sustainable agriculture and in so doing, severely limits the choice of food we can eat. (more…)

  • Karmé Holistic Wellness Center, Baltimore, MD, USA

    Through the inspiration of Shree Vasant, the Karmé Holistic Wellness Center officially opened on May 17th, 2008. Located at the Homa Resonance Point in Baltimore, on Ann and Tom Couto’s property, this charming 19th century carriage house has been fully renovated.

    Karmé (which is Tibetan for ‘to be in Service’) is a beautifully appointed Wellness Center with two treatment rooms, a luxurious bathroom with a sunken tub for healing bath treatments, and a heavenly bedroom overlooking trees, for overnight or extended stays. (more…)

  • A New Age is Dawning

                  A NEW AGE IS DAWNING. IT IS THE BEGINNING OF A WORLD FULL OF PEACE AND BLISS. But first all the obstructions should be removed.

                Suffering is not necessary. Where is it told in any of the literature, in any of Shree’s Commandments, any of these Fivefold Path teachings, that man and woman must suffer? That they do suffer has been observed, but the opposite is taught –THAT THEY NEED NOT SUFFER.


  • Pressure from Other Planets is Great Now

                The pressure from other planets is great now. So all of you must focus on meditation and Yajnya. Do Yajnya wherever you go. Move with the fire in all humility as Grace is being given for this work.

               In all Fire Temples medicines should be readily available.

                   We are living in a very difficult world. There is much pressure and strain from every direction. Everyone is searching for cures for this and that. Let us not be shy. Go forward with Agnihotra.

                Concentrate on ingoing/outgoing breath. Take a few deep breaths. Push the mind towards CHIDAKASH, i.e., away from the sense organs. Then attachment to material things is reduced.

    Master Shree Vasant Paranjpe
    visiting the Pyrenees (Spain) in 1993

  • The Children Must Be Told

                      The children must be told. The children must be given the same assurance as We are giving to all of you. The children of today are greatly burdened with a world not of their making. They suffer from our diseases. They breathe our polluted air. They grow up with fear. Now is the time to replace this great burden and give the children hope that they cannot only survive but create a better world from the ashes of this one.

                   If the child watches television, reduce his television watching. Do not be too extreme. Allow the child to watch television but less and less. Plan more activities for the children that draw them to the ancient holy fires and to the teachings of old. Teach them and listen to them as they in turn teach you.

    Shree Vasant performing Agnihotra.
    In the background Mahashree Gajanan Maharaj blessing in the presence of Lord Parshuram’s statue.