Homa Therapy International


  • Mantra for Self-Development

    All the time have Mantra on your lips, all the time. Do not become thrown to and from every day by troubles in life. At least say, “For this trouble I am deeply grateful, as this is my Karma and it shall no longer anger me, but humble me.” Then the whole thing changes. You can reverse your negative life Karma. Try it.

    When I tell you that all life is misery, I do not mean you cannot have joy and happiness. That is the whole point. There is misery everywhere now. So to go on thinking there is nothing wrong in the world is blind. Everyone is suffering as a result of progress and still many do not even know it. Better to be aware than to pretend it is not there. Let us do certain things to become happy even in the face of disturbance around us. Then we can have a positive effect on others as well as our own environment. (more…)

  • Warm Regards to Your Nose

    If one is healthy and without pain, it is easy to forget the body – still, we may have other problems. And only when we feel some pinching somewhere, we realize how important the good functioning of each body part is. Do you have a cold? Or breathing problems? Maybe asthma? Then you will know what I am talking about.

    Then you learn to appreciate when the flow of breath is peacefully and quiet and you realize that inhaling and exhaling is something wonderful and vital! (more…)

  • In the Aftermath of the Chilean Earthquake

    Agnihotris share their experiences in the aftermath of the Chilean earthquake.

    We have received amazing responses that show the “awakening” of the spirit in times of these great challenges. These are some excerpts of some breath-taking realizations happening in the midst of chaos:


  • Agnihotra Neutralizes Radioactivity

    Are you radioactive? No? You don’t feel anything? You don’t see anything? You don’t smell anything? The neighbor didn’t notice anything either? No problems?

    Radioactivity sneaked quite unseen into our lives. We don’t hear it, we don’t smell it, we don’t see it. Of course, maybe we know about Chernobyl that there was something with radioactivity. Maybe we have read about atom-tests, already hundreds of atomic bombs have been ignited – of course only for test-purposes. And of course, many atom-driven submarines rust slowly in the oceans, somewhere far away from us, because we normally don’t live on test-sites, or beside a nuclear reactor or a nuclear submarine. Scientists declared that the snow in the Himalaya is so strongly radioactive, that it would have to be treated as radioactive garbage! But of course the Himalaya is also far away from most of us. (more…)

  • Zara Garcia’s Healing

    Guayaquil, Ecuador South America “My problem began in the year 1997. I could neither walk nor stand. I felt a lot of pain in the sole of my foot because I had an open wound that did not heal. I could not find any remedy with any doctor in any part of the world.


  • My Daily Happiness and My Pancreas

    Does this sound funny? Does one have anything to do with the other? One might think that my happiness is something psychic. And my pancreas is an organ. Where should there be a connection?

    Scientists made a sensational discovery: Only if the pancreas has sufficient Serotonin at its disposal, it can work correctly! If there is not enough Serotonin, it will work incompletely and disturbances are the consequence. The pancreas is, among other things, responsible for a correct insulin-preparation, and if only this factor doesn’t work correctly, the consequences are e.g. diabetes. If too much fat is stored in the tissues, it means I will become overweight or if too little fat is stored, I will turn too thin etc.. If my pancreas is such an important organ for my health, if it decides, whether I am diabetic, overweight, underweight, normal weight and much more, from where can I get sufficient Serotonin so this gland can work correctly? (more…)

  • Climate Engineering in Maharashtra, India – through Vedic Science

    Parola, District: Jalgaon
    Maharashtra, India

    In December, 2009 there was an unseasonal storm in the Dhule/Jalgaon region of North Maharashtra. 35,000 hectares of farmland were damaged. Hundreds of thousands of rupees of crop losses were reported by farmers in the area.


  • Agnihotra in Sao Paulo, Brazil

    Fernando, Pablo, Honrado, and Tania Salobrenha are sending their love from the village Sao Bento de Sapucai, close to Sao Paulo in Brasil, where they practise the Homa fires with friends on Tania’s farm.


  • Climate Engineering in Maharashtra, India through Vedic Science

    In December, 2009 there was an unseasonal storm in the Dhule/ Jalgaon region of North Maharashtra. 35,000 hectares of farmland was damaged. Hundreds of thousands of rupees of crop losses were reported by farmers in the area. In the district of Parola 49 villages were affected. In some places, 2 feet of ice were reported in the fields from the hail storm. The ice remained in some fields for 3 days after the storm. (more…)

  • Become Willing, Then You are Utilized as an Instrument

    Once you become willing then you are utilized as an instrument. The more you surrender, the more total your surrender, the more work you will do. Then every moment becomes service. You reach a point where you do not think. It is time to do service now. Your every thought, every deed, becomes an extension of Him. Thy will be done – IDAM NA MAMA. Then it is all joy, all joy.
