Satsang Volume 45 No 6

Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra: Effect on Seed Germination

by Dr. Ulrich Berk,

(Quantity of food worldwide – especially in developing countries – continues to be an urgent issue.
Quality of food in developed countries – especially in the age of the spreading of the GMO scourge – is a less publicized issue [in part due to obfuscation by vested interests]. In both cases, the proven potential of Homa Organic Farming in yielding greater quantities and quality of food should not escape the notice of all. The following article shows the effects of Homa on seed germination – the first step in our food chain. – Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya)
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Bhrugu Aranya Newsletter – January 2018

Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya

January 2018

           U P D A T E S   ●   N E W S   ●   E V E N T S   ●   A R T I C L E S

Dear friends,
Now is a crucial time in our lives and in the life of our planet, for all of us to really focus on our highest purpose. It is easy to get swept up into the times, the chaos, turmoil, stage of constant dramas whirling around us. But, each of us has a higher purpose to fulfill in this life, this precious life. There has never been a greater time than now to manifest yourself, your work. Focus needs to be clear and undivided. 
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Satsang Volume 45 No 5

2017 Agnihotra Equinox Event

Equinox fire, from Jolanda Stots, Netherlands
Some years ago we started a Global Sacred Fire Event during the Equinox period, and it was a great success. So many people around the world had joined and Agnihotra fires moved around the planet at sunrise and sunset. This year we repeated this wonderful experience, creating a grid of Sacred Fires all around the world, to help build a critical mass to elevate consciousness on planet Earth.

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    Keep silence one hour daily and utilise this time for silencing thoughts as well as speech. You can, during this time, continue doing whatever needs to be done. Just keep thoughts and speech silent as much as possible. Use Mantras. This is for people who can either not keep silence in the morning due to job or are alone most of the day. Best hours are in the morning or night, after Agnihotra.

   To all your questions answers are given, not always in the terms you expect.

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Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra: Agriculture – Biodiversity (Part I)

     Since more than a decade now a dramatic decline of bee population has been noticed worldwide. Now we learn that a similar decline can be found regarding all insects.
Recently an alarming study was published by scientists from Germany, Great Britain, and the Netherlands. Insects were captured in nature reserves throughout Germany and counted. This long-term study found that within 25 years there was a reduction of 75%!

Flying insects caught in a malaise trap, used by entomologists to collect samples. Continue reading “Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra: Agriculture – Biodiversity (Part I)”

Patricio Vicente Feijóo | Protection from Earthquake

Patricio Vicente Feijóo
Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America

(Photo: Mr. Patricio and his wife Mary – first ones from the right – sharing Agnihotra in Amaranto.)

      Mr. Patricio and his wife Mary Agustina are the owners of the Vegetarian Gourmet Restaurant "Amaranto".

We received an email where he wrote:
   Thank you for sharing your knowledge, the great legacy of Master Shree Vasant and the Homa Fires in your travels through different parts of our beloved Planet. Thanks for letting us know about the different Homa healing experiences.
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