Regular Sunday Chanting & Agnihotra in Belgaum, Karnataka, India

We received the following photos and letter from Eng. Vinayak Lokur, Belgaum, India:

     "Just to share with you:
Last month we started the program "Sunday Chanting & Agnihotra" in Belgaum and during the last 6 Sundays, we have been successful in the implementation of it. We, the Agnihotra performers of Belgaum, get together at a predefined place (it can be someone’s house, we change every Sunday), we chant and do the Om Tryambakam Homa for 15 to 20 minutes together and then perform group Agnihotra at sunset. Continue reading “Regular Sunday Chanting & Agnihotra in Belgaum, Karnataka, India”

Agnihotra in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Mrs. Irina Kolchina wrote from Almaty, Kazakhstan:

"In Almaty, we are also doing Agnihotra! All our people send a big warm greeting; I am sending you photos where we are doing Agnihotra on September 22nd, 2018 in the mountains. At this time, a man from the United States was with us. He came with ecology projects, We showed him Agnihotra. We are spreading the knowledge of Agnihotra in Almaty.
With love, Irina.

Continue reading “Agnihotra in Almaty, Kazakhstan”

Satsang Volume 46 No 4

Agnihotra in Australia

Lee Ringma

Sunset Agnihotra at Kalpana’s home on the harbour. Asha stands behind Lee while Lee prepares the Agnihotra fire. Kalpana and her husband are on her left.

Workshop in Sydney
Recently Frits and Lee Ringma conducted a workshop in Sydney organized by Asha Agarwalla and hosted by Kalpana at her beautiful home on the harbour, Sydney, Australia. It was a large gathering mostly from the local Indian community.  Thirteen people took up Agnihotra and Asha is happy to organize gatherings to keep people inspired and to provide support.

Asha is an optometrist and has made a natural remedy for the eyes which includes Agnihotra eye drops. At the workshop a young woman told us that she had inflammation of the eyes and was told she would need to be on steroids for the rest of her life. The natural eye drops cured her condition quickly and effectively.

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