24 hour Om Tryambakam HOMA in the “Yoga and Agni Center,” Santiago, Chile

Mr. Ignacio Cea from Santiago, Chile writes:
“These photos were captured during a 24 hour Tryambakam HOMA in the Yoga and Agni Center in the room, which is called ‘Shree Vasant’ in honor of the Master.

We were 10 people at the time the photo was taken and it was approx. 2 o’clock in the morning.

We have been doing Tryambakam Homa on all full and new moon nights and Agnihotra is done almost every day in this center.

With lots of love, Ignacio”

Baltimore Homa Community, Maryland, USA

The Baltimore Homa Community is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting a loving and sustainable way of living based on the practice of Agnihotra and Homa Therapy. We invite you to see for yourself how this ancient science of atmospheric purification can help to establish bio-energetic equilibrium in atmosphere; support chemical-free, organic food production and assist in removing stress and tension from your mind. Continue reading “Baltimore Homa Community, Maryland, USA”

11 Rudra Yajnyas, Amalner, India

Prof. Sudhakar Mulay and Mrs Sudha Mulay performed a series of 11 Rudra Yajnyas at our house in Amalner, Dist: Jalgaon, Maharahstra, India during August.

The Mulays are dedicated to teaching Homa Therapy in India and they have performed already hundreds of Rudra Yajnyas to help the planet.

Homa Drug and Alcohol De-addiction Program in Cusco, Peru

We were a group of up to 21 people participating in this 10 days Homa Drug and Alcohol De-addiction Program. We started every morning with the 5 a.m. Mantras, then Agnihotra and Yoga exercises.

There was a daily short physical work program, where trees and other seedlings were planted. Dr. Irma Garcia from Venezuela presented the Fivefold Path of happy living in the afternoon and I presented the 12 step program from AA (Alcoholics Anonymous). The full program ended with Agnihotra and later with the 9.00 pm Tryambakam Homa session daily. We also had two Argentinian vegetarian cooks who prepared gourmet dishes for us. This program was blessed with many insights and learning experiences.

During the 10 day de-addiction workshop for professionals, the meditation timings and all Homa fire disciplines were kept strictly. Everyone participated in the healing sessions.

Never Associate with Violence of Any Kind

We must never associate with violence of any kind. Only total love. You are being worked on in a big way. Now it becomes easy for you to rise much higher very quickly.

Those who seek personal gain only find their own destruction. Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all shall be added unto thee. Let not seeds of past desire confuse the state of happiness you are still capable of reaching. Surrender and “Thy will be done.”

Continue reading “Never Associate with Violence of Any Kind”

Deva Herb Workshop at Bhrugu Aranya, Poland

Mother Earth created herbs as a natural medicine chest for all beings that inhabit this planet. In ancient times, man was led by instinct and knew exactly which herbs to use.

In modern times where contact with Nature has been lost, our natural inner wisdom and intuition has also been forgotten. Yet the healing plants continue to live in the pastures, forests and gardens. Let us recognize them again and learn to use the amazing bounty of Nature.
Our first Homa Herb Workshop was held at Bhrugu Aranya Homa Farm this July. The workshop was led by Asia, my wife, and myself, in our recently-built straw bale house in our community. For ten years we have been growing Homa Herbs and gaining practical experience in their medicinal uses.

Continue reading “Deva Herb Workshop at Bhrugu Aranya, Poland”


There may be people with whom you normally have conflict. You can express what you feel with LOVE without expectation of response, positive or negative. Still do not block the love even with such people. They also have need for it. This is the greatest of teachings. LOVE. If you have conflict with someone, love them. You need not decide to work with them. But refrain from all judgment.

Anger, frustration, depression, anxiety – all these mood changes interfere with the work of the Divine. How can you receive Divine Grace if you are angry at some event in your life? Anger is like a block. It blocks all the light.
Continue reading “Conflict”

Homa Therapy in the “Energy Club,” Malaga, Spain

I want to share a photo of the small Homa group. Every Friday we do evening Agnihotra and 3 hours of Tryambakam Homa. It is great to have a door in the “Energy Club” open to make Homa Therapy known together with Reiki. We are in Torre del Mar, Malaga.

We are sending all of you a super hug from heart to heart.”

(photo: the Malaga Homa group with Mrs. America in front of the Homa fire)