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Category: Blog
Homa Roof-Top Terrace Gardening in India
Two Agnihotris living in the city show the effects of Agnihotra and Agnihotra ash on their rooftop gardens.
Mr Arun Anand, an engineer who lives in the city of Indore, Madhya Pradesh, and Mr Chalasani Dutt, a former entrepreneur become organic gardener who now operates the mango plantation “Prakash Bio Organic Farm” in Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh. (more…)News of Homa Therapy in Australasia – June 2013
Homa Therapy Centre and Homa Organic farm in the Hunter Valley, NSW
for Nature – Homa Chia and butterflyIn the first 3 months of 2013 we were blessed with many visitors: Bruce Johnson and Anne Godfrey Homa Therapists from Tapovan India landed here for a well deserved rest, two Homa helpers, Taylor Logsdon from Canada and Maryann Billian from the US flew in to give us a hand, long time Australian Agnihotri, Karuna Coleman made the massive decision to live at Om Shree Dham for an indefinite period and Kel Wilson, first ever Australian Agnihotri, could not resist visiting twice to bask in the transformational Homa atmosphere.
We also had many people staying for a while as paying guests to be in Homa atmosphere and others as work exchange. This short but very sweet experience of Homa life style was full of astounding inner shifts for all.
Our Negative Habits Can Become Less
If we are performing regularly these YAJNYA fires our negative habits become less. Our focus shifts but this also takes effort on our part. Not only to perform YAJNYA but to make a little effort to correct our bad habits and go into an attitude of service where the needs of the self are met by Grace and not fulfilling desires and demands. To get out of that negative thinking one must really focus energy, not on the negative but on positive thoughts, only positive. In every situation we should try to react with love.
Always be grateful for even a cup of tea offered to you.
New YouTube Channel
Homa Therapy International has a new YouTube Channel.
Here you can view the full 24 Golden Messages of Shree Vasant Paranjpe.
Things Are Much Worse in the World than They Appear
Now things are much worse in the world than they appear. What appears to be even peaceful is like a bomb waiting to explode. So we have to keep all our attention on Mantra and Meditation. Then it comes daily what to do, where to go, whom to see. Just single-pointedness and awareness of what is around you, what people’s needs are and then it is simple. So pay attention. Always, when you begin to stray, even in the least way, now you are pulled back immediately.
Be strong. Think wisely. Act slowly. There is no danger when devotion is foremost. Lift others with all Love, all Divine Love. Be kind and be generous. Be caring and provide shelter. This you do with all love and devotion. Then in such a safe harbor, the other person will begin to be able to trust and this will help him grow. All tenderness, all LOVE and do not allow for disrespect. If someone becomes angry, simply keep silence. He will come to know on his own.
The Four Corners of the World Must Be Reached
The four corners of the world must be reached. This necessity is now an emergency. In no other form will this Love go. In no other way will His light travel. Only through Agnihotra, only by His hand.
Importance of Agnihotra goes beyond scientific explanation. It gives a link with the Almighty. When you see past the physical you begin to think of what importance this is. Through Agnihotra many will be brought Home.
Karmic Debts are Being Erased
The Karmic debts of the past have been and are being erased. Leave it all in Our Hands.
If you go more and more into these disciplines, you will live in harmony. One word of kindness does more than twenty words of criticism or insult. One kind word, one kind thought, all the time. Smile.
Do not be so quick to judge each other, to criticize each other or to walk away. Lift your eyes towards the Master’s image or remain with full concentration on HIS presence in your lives. Strengthen the bond between you with meditation, Yajnya. Avail yourselves of the healing through the fire.
Many Chances Are Given at This Time
We are entering a new time period where for our people and those following spiritual path, things will be made easier. Burdens will be lifted. Many chances given at this time. There is no turning back. We must go on. It is important now to complete things which we have begun. (more…)
Agnihotra at Angkor Wat Temple Complex, Cambodia, 12/12/2012
As part of the Powersite Pilgrimage Programme offered by Wholistic World Vision, Simon Peter Fuller, together with a small group of light workers, traveled to Cambodia and were present at the world famous Angkor Wat Temple complex, the world’s largest religious structure, on 12 December, 2012.
In the vicinity of the ancient temple, Ta Prohm, Simon Peter performed sunrise Agnihotra on this significant date. Ta Prohm temple is a quiet testament to the power of nature. Its dappled shadows, crumbling towers and walls, locked by the embrace of magnificent trees, is a nature lover’s dream. (more…)Self-importance Must be Knocked Out
It is this self importance that is to be knocked out. That is why we are keeping away.EFFICIENCY
Plan but leave allowances for things going wrong. Remain one-pointed.HABITS
You get out of these bad habits immediately. Let nothing stand in your way.SOUL
What is in the soul is only a different form of God’s beauty. It is constant. It never changes. Man is secure in non-change. The only constant comes from the soul. From the Divine.