Time is Short

       Time is short and we do not want you to miss this opportunity. Change has to occur. Intensify Sadhana.
         Venezuela will really produce great results, particularly farming experiments. IT IS VITAL THAT THAT STARTS NOW.
         You are not responsible for actions of others. You are, however, quite responsible for your own actions. There-fore, it is best to accept whatever hand is dealt you at this time. You will be surprised at the results.

Continue reading “Time is Short”

Agnihotra in the Harijan colonies of Kharagpur, West Bengal, India

In February, 2014 Abhay Paranjpe and Sanjay and Manisha Patil (photo right) visited the birthplace of Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj in Kharagpur, West Bengal.

Two families (the families of Gauri Shankar and Subodh Das) maintain the practice of Agnihotra in the Railway Quarter where Sonamata (mother of Parama Sadguru) used to stay with her father when she visited Kharagpur.

This Railway Quarter is quite close to the colony of Harijans (so-called ‘Untouchables’) in whose houses the great Saint Upasani Baba was residing in the year 1913. Part of His mission was to eradicate the curse of Untouchability which was destroying the fabric of Hindu society. Sonamata used to go with her father to this Harijan colony to feed and care for the poor. It was there at the age of thirteen, that Sonamata met her Guru, Upasani Baba. Five years later on May 17th 1918 she gave birth to the Light of the World. Continue reading “Agnihotra in the Harijan colonies of Kharagpur, West Bengal, India”

Agnihotra Helps Leprosy Patients in the ‘Father Damien’ Foundation, Guayquil, Ecuador

Sharing Agnihotra with leprosy patients in the Chapel of the ‘Father Damien’ Foundation in Guayquil, Ecuador. (Photo right)

Damien House is a charitable hospital and clinic located in the heart of Guayaquil, Ecuador where people suffering with Hansen´s Disease (leprosy) can finally find solace and love, where their lives are transformed. Continue reading “Agnihotra Helps Leprosy Patients in the ‘Father Damien’ Foundation, Guayquil, Ecuador”

Agnihotra at the Museum of Anthropological and Contemporary Art, Guayaquil, Ecuador

Permission to have this Agnihotra encounter with loud speakers in the MAAC (Museum of Anthropological and Contemporary Art) came from heaven together with comfortable chairs for everyone.

Prof. Abel gave an introduction about Homa Therapy and several people, including Roberto Merino, narrated their experiences (photo below). Continue reading “Agnihotra at the Museum of Anthropological and Contemporary Art, Guayaquil, Ecuador”

Fire, Art & Sound – Homa Therapy Workshop (Lima, Peru)

On April 12th, 2014 a full day Homa Therapy Workshop: “Awakening our healing and creative power through Fire, Art and Sound” was given by Jessica Auza and Giada Di Giammarco, in Lima-Peru.

As one of the beauties of this ancient science is that it can be applied to every aspect of life today, we dreamed of a workshop which combined the healing power of Homa Therapy fires with art and sound. As it manifested we felt grateful for the opportunity to share with an enthusiastic group of people and inspire a self discovery journey to believe in ourselves and awaken the potential in all of us to put our love into action and be the change we want to see in this world. We enjoyed the dreaming as much as the manifestation. Continue reading “Fire, Art & Sound – Homa Therapy Workshop (Lima, Peru)”

Agnihotra at the Temple of the Sun in Huaraz, Peru

Milagro Victoria Hidalgo Flores from Rimac, Lima, Peru, South America reports:

I am 46 years old. I practice Agnihotra since I was 29 years old. One of my first Homa experiences was when I did Agnihotra on the ‘Temple of the Sun’ in Huaraz. We had to walk about 4 hours.

Upon reaching the central part inside the Temple, I did Agnihotra. I felt guided by my heart to hold hands with all who had accompanied us and chant the Mantra ‘Om’. Continue reading “Agnihotra at the Temple of the Sun in Huaraz, Peru”

Be Strict with Yourself

          When you are not ‘clear’ do not act. Be strict with yourself. Then there is no pressure. Truly realize that you are not the doer. If you realize that all burdens fall off your shoulders and you will become more efficient, more strongly motivated and lighter. Forget about past. Put all concentration on what work is now at hand. Observe more silence. Really go within for peace you seek outside.

Continue reading “Be Strict with Yourself”

Agnihotra – Protection against Climatic Disasters

In February and March 2014 Indian state of Maharashtra experienced a series of extremely destructive and unseasonal hailstorms.

At least 12 people died during the storms. Up to 100 farmers have committed suicide across the state due to crop losses from these storms.

Experts have assessed the area of loss at more than 2 million ha. and the economic loss at more than Rs50 billion. Continue reading “Agnihotra – Protection against Climatic Disasters”