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Category: Blog
We are Living in a Very Difficult World
We are living in a very difficult world. There is much pressure and strain from every direction. Everyone is searching for cures for this and that. Let us not be shy. Go forward with Agnihotra.
There are disturbances in the atmosphere now. We must all be prepared for an influx of people turning to Agnihotra as their last resort. We will turn away no one. That influx begins. You will notice even as individuals and much more on a large scale. You do not see the whole picture. If one person comes to you and many will, each person should be given equal respect and concern as if they were a whole country of people requesting knowledge of Agnihotra.
Satsang Volume 45 No 7
Growth of plants in Agnihotra Atmosphere and with Agnihotra Ash
Seeing is believing, it is said. The following articles in this series document, in some detail, the positive results of Agnihotra and Agnihotra ash on growth of plants, plant resistance to disease and pests, shelf life and other parameters of quality, taste and quantity. It is difficult to over-estimate the potential such information has for a world beset by climate influences causing difficulties to agriculture.–Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya
2018 New Year Message
These are the times foretold in Bible, in ancient holy texts from all religions.
These are times of great darkness and times of great illuminating Light.
Keep your focus on the Light.
Be aware of the darkness, vigilant in face of danger.
But always focus on the Light. (more…)Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra: Agriculture – Biodiversity (Part II)
How does Homa Organic Farming help to calm down this “storm on the horizon”, to bring Nature back to Harmony, to restore biodiversity?
Reports from farmers and scientific studies give some answers.
Let us start with an observation Rita and Thomas Hirt made on their Homa Farm in Rippistal, Switzerland. When they started the farm one big problem was that the meadows were widely covered with a tall growing weed, the broadleaf dock (Rumex obtusifolius). A few of these plants are o.k., they can even be used as medicine. But as these meadows are used for cows who graze there in summer and hay is made for winter, it was a problem that large areas were covered by broadleaf dock, making these areas useless.
All neighbouring farmers had the same problem – but they used herbicides to control the broadleaf dock. Not possible on a Homa Farm – and as we have seen this may solve one problem, but create more other problems as it brings Nature more away from Harmony.
Interesting what happened after some time of performing the Homa fires and spraying Agnihotra Ash water: Green dock beetles (gastroidea viridula) arrived in large number and controlled the broadleaf dock.
These beetles were not found on the meadows of neighbouring farms. This is an example how on a Homa Farm biodiversity is restored and automatically beneficial insects arrived. This also reminds on the experience which Abhay Mutalik Desai had on his farm where woolly aphid was controlled by two natural predators – Micromus igorotus and Dipha aphidivora (see Homa Health Newsletter # 136).Greendock beetles arrive in large numbers.
Finishing broadleaf dock. (more…)
Living Consciously
Every person living on this planet today has his/her own baggage, past karma, history, preferences, desires, aversions, goals, duties, fears and expectations.
Radio Interview with Dr. Humberto Lema in the University of Quindío, Colombia
Dr. Humberto Lema
Armenia, Quindío, Colombia, South America
Excerpts from a Radio Interview
in the University of Quindío
Dr. Humberto LemaHoma Therapy is a Science of Healing and comes from Ayurvedic Medicine. I studied conventional medicine, but I have been practicing Alternative or Complementary Medicine for 24 years. With Homa Therapy, Healing is TOTAL.
We are in the times of rebirth of ancestral knowledge. (more…)Bhrugu Aranya – Centre of Light in Poland, Europe
Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya – Future home of Centre of Light
“This place is magical. The energies here are quite powerful and the place heals you. Bhrugu Aranya is an ancient place of fire which has been rediscovered in this time. We feel we are guardians of this sacred site. Often Devas and Angels have appeared here”. (more…)
Homa Therapy Meeting at Yoga-House, Koh Samui, Thailand
Ms. Camila Paz Molina Llamazares wrote this short note and sent these photos of her trip to Thailand:
‘Beautiful Meeting with Homa Therapy at the Yoga-House, Koh Samui, Thailand.
Light and Healing. Gratitude to the Homa Supertechnology.’ (more…)Satsang Volume 45 No 6
Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra: Effect on Seed Germination
by Dr. Ulrich Berk,
(Quantity of food worldwide – especially in developing countries – continues to be an urgent issue.
Quality of food in developed countries – especially in the age of the spreading of the GMO scourge – is a less publicized issue [in part due to obfuscation by vested interests]. In both cases, the proven potential of Homa Organic Farming in yielding greater quantities and quality of food should not escape the notice of all. The following article shows the effects of Homa on seed germination – the first step in our food chain. – Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya) (more…)Satsang Volume 45 No 5
2017 Agnihotra Equinox Event
Equinox fire, from Jolanda Stots, NetherlandsSome years ago we started a Global Sacred Fire Event during the Equinox period, and it was a great success. So many people around the world had joined and Agnihotra fires moved around the planet at sunrise and sunset. This year we repeated this wonderful experience, creating a grid of Sacred Fires all around the world, to help build a critical mass to elevate consciousness on planet Earth.