Homa Therapy International

Category: Blog

  • Satsang Volume 47 No 3

    Volunteering at Satsang Agnihotra Farm

    Karina Ohme

    Satsang Agnihotra Farm is located in the hills of Curacavi Valley, in central Chile. It is approximately twenty-five miles from Santiago, close to the road that connects Santiago with Valparaíso and Viña del Mar. The farm covers about five acres. In January, 2013, after ten years of searching and searching for the right place, I finally found this place.

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  • Release and Transformation

    How short is life. One chooses to carry the heavy burdens of resentment, the gnawing of old fears, the jealousies, the envy, the longings and desires. Burdened by all these things, one still seeks freedom of liberation. But what one has to realize is one has to begin to consciously release one’s burdens. There is no other way. (more…)

  • Satsang Volume 47 No 3

    Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra–Bees

    Dr. Ulrich Berk

    In agriculture, there are three helpers from the animal kingdom. First helper is the cow. Without cows, organic farming is difficult and Homa Organic Farming is not possible. Then we have the bees and the earthworms. About cows we already have talked, so let us now concentrate on the role of bees in agriculture and all Nature.

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  • If One Practises Swádhyáya

    If one practises Swádhyáya (Self-Study) with all purest intent on becoming one with the Higher Being, then what is revealed at this stage is like a cleansing of the soul. Swádhyáya is the fifth pathway of the Fivefold Path. It is to be taken in all earnest because to really know oneself, one has to be willing to experience all aspects of his person. Some of that is painful; some is difficult to face but the ultimate goal is to be one with the Master. Until one’s personality is cleansed and purified one cannot attain that level where "I and my Father are One". (more…)

  • Australasian Homa Therapy Newsletter July 2019



    Ancient Wisdom from Ayurveda to heal modern problems

    • Organic Farming with Agnihotra as pivotal practice – Correcting PH of soil, decreasing salinity in ground water and eradicating viral disease – Indonesia
      • Biodiversity through Homa Therapy- Scientific Validation
        • Agnihotra transforming one’s life
          • A visit to sister Centre Bhrugu Aranya, Eco Village and Homa Therapy Centre Poland
            • Om Shree Dham, Homa Therapy Centre Australasia

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  • Homa Festival in University of Valle, Cali, Colombia

          The next destination on the Homa Colombia Tour 2019 was the big city Cali. Prof. Abel took the opportunity to present Homa Therapy through a TV interview. He invited everyone to the Homa Festival in the University of Valle, Cali.
    (Photo above left.)

  • Satsang Volume 47 No 2

    Orion on Centre of Light

    Parvati Rosen-Bizberg
    Jordanow, Poland

    As we embark on the next phase of manifesting Centre of Light here at Bhrugu Aranya, the power and Grace that are manifesting at the same time become more apparent. We are humbled by the opportunity, the blessing to serve many people whose lives are in need of the transformative energies of the healing fires. As we move in this world, we are stunned by the sheer magnitude of suffering and yearning in ordinary people we meet. Everywhere.

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  • How to Stop Harmful Mobile Phone Radiation

    Agnihotra totally solves the radiation problem. Here is a clue as to how this may be possible. Simply by placing the phone on a piece of dried cow dung cake the radiation level is immediately reduced to zero!

    This little demo shows the positive protective effects of dried cow dung against radiation. We perform Agnihotra at sunrise and sunset daily, using dried cow dung at Eco-village Bhrugu Aranya, our Homa organic farm in Poland. As well, the resultant ash from Agnihotra fires (*performed with specific materials at exact timings of sunrise/sunset) has been found to neutralize radiation. The health benefits of Agnihotra, Agnihotra ash and Homa atmosphere are inspiring.

  • Ego

    What he is going through now is, in a sense, a part of the ego dying. The fight is holding on to the ego and all of its trappings. Always the ego has choices. No one can interfere in these choices. One makes the choice to follow the ego further into disillusion and one must pay the price for such folly. (more…)