Homa Therapy International

Author: lee

  • Homa Therapy Teaching Tours in Malaysia

    At the invitation of Mr. Alan Yong and Mr Wong, three successful Agnihotra/Homa Therapy teaching tours have taken place in Malaysia, with public talks organized in most major cities and visits to various organic farms.


  • Core Group of Singaporeans Practicing Agnihotra

    During our visit to Malaysia in July 2010 we traveled south to Johor to an Organic farm and Eco Tourism Resort called Tanjung Sutera. Being relatively close to Singapore and the facilitator Betty Khoo having a network extending into Singapore, many Singaporeans attended the 2 day Agnihotra Retreat. As a result there is now a core group of Singaporeans practicing Agnihotra. (more…)

  • Homa Therapy Tour in Malaysia

    I was invited for a Homa tour in Malaysia by the volunteers Mr. Tee Liang Wong and Mr. Alan Yong, which has proven a wonderful success in spreading the message of the healing Homa fires. Mr. Tee Liang Wong shares this wonderful report:


  • Homa Therapy in the Chinese Magazine “Long Life”

    The chinese magazine “Long Life” (published in Malaysia) shows a several page report about Homa Therapy. Frits and Lee Ringma´s frequent Homa teaching travels to this country, together with the help of Homa volunteers Alan Wong, Tee Lian Wong and friends have had a big impact in the widespread practice of Agnihotra.

    The article gives instructions on how to practice Agnihotra and also interviewed some Agnihotra practitioners telling their healing stories.

  • Agnihotra at Anti-Cancer Foundation, Chiang Mai, Thailand

    Mr. Alan Yong writes from his visit to Bangkok:
    “I was delighted to join the Thai couple, Mr. Kantipong and Nisachon from Bangkok to perform Agnihotra at Anti-Cancer Foundation, at Waeng Kum Kum Road, Chiang Mai on 15th December, 2009. The chairman of the Anti-Cancer Foundation, Professor Dr. Charliew Piyachon also joined us. About 40 cancer patients enjoyed the Homa fire for the first time and they look forward for the next Agnihotra meetings.” (more…)

  • Agnihotra Australasia Newsletter – July 2008

    Satsang at Om Shree Dham
    Sunday Satsang at Om Shree Dham with healing Fire and meditation, devotional singing and vegetarian feast.

    Many International and Australian Wwoofers help at OSD Many Wwoofers from different continents have stayed with us and taken Agnihotra back to their home country. Taylor from Canada stayed with us for 4 months helping Frits with building, doing cow dung duty, feeding the cows, gardening etc. He took up Agnihotra and contributed to our daily Om Tryambakam Yajnya as well. He is now back in Canada working on an Organic farm and introducing Agnihotra to his hosts. We miss him dearly.

    Read more…

  • Why Yagnya (Homa) is an Effective Remedy for Climate Change

    Special effect due to Yajnya

    (Here we use the terms Yajnya and Homa interchangeably)

    Message from Shree Vasant Maheshwar, India 6 July 2008:
    “Ancient tradition of Vedic knowledge states that due to performance of Yajnya
    ÁPOORVA comes about. Apoorva means: ‘that which was not there before.’ Some special effect comes about: ‘something which was not there before.’

  • Miracle Protection Through Homa Therapy

    Massive flash floods hit the state of New South Wales in June, 2007. Businesses and homes were flooded, cars floated away and where we are situated in the country side, whole valleys filled up with water over night. Many farm animals drowned and many people had to be rescued off their roofs including our neighbours across the road.
