Homa Therapy International


  • Radio Interview on Agnihotra in Istanbul, Turkey

    We gave an interview at Acik Radio in Istanbul, Turkey with Mrs.Melda Keskin (English and Turkish).

    After the program we attended a speech by John Perkins who spoke about the importance to change the world in terms of prosperity for all the people. Food and shelter and health care shall not be a privilege to a few. Compassion, love and global oneness were also addressed.

  • Festival of Healing in Armenia, Quindio, Colombia, South America

    In the auditorium of the SENA (National Service for Learning), about 500 people came to know and experience the power of Agnihotra. Dr. Humberto Lema, M.D. from the Medical Homa Center in Armenia opened this Festival of Healing. (more…)

  • Agnihotra comes to Armenia, Quindio, Colombia, South America

    Following an invitation by Mrs. Dora Betancour and Mr. Lucas Maya, we arrived in Armenia, a town surrounded by wonderful hills, lush green vegetation and a wonderful climate. It belongs to the coffee belt of Colombia.

    Since the idea was to inform as many people as possible about Homa Therapy, many radio talks and a TV interview in the “CNC del Quindio” channel were arranged. Several newspapers reported about Homa Therapy and the community was invited to the free Homa events. (more…)

  • Philosophy is Kind to Man

             Main thing required for this work is humility. Everything begins inside. It is not an idea or a concept. Practice of service to others will breed humility. Then quite naturally it will develop. All the time service. Think of everything as service and you will find great joy in it.

  • Agnihotra in Manhattan, NY

    Michelle Balandra writes:
    “We had a wonderful Agnihotra meeting. The sunset was beautiful! We did Agnihotra in another park, this time in Manhattan.

    Lately, whenever we choose a place where to practice Agnihotra, right before sunset, we have seen a red bird come really close to us. I have seen it like 5 times! It is red like the fire and sooo beautiful. I am sure it is a reminder of the harmony of nature and humans that is established every time we do the Homa fire. Ii is such a beautiful blessing!”
    Following photo arrived from Manhattan, NY and was sent by Michelle and Cecibel Balandra.

  • Agnihotra at Fukushima, Japan

    Fivefold Path Mission volunteer, Reiner Szcypior, was invited to join a “World Peace Prayer Ceremony” with Dr. Masaru Emoto at Fukushima, Japan on July 25th, which was broadcast worldwide. Many people all over the world participated in this prayer for water and Agnihotris in many countries put their Agnihotra ash into water sources.

  • Devotion Has to Come

              That devotion has to come. It has to always be there, in good and bad times. In life you will experience both. But once you reach a certain level they become one and the same. Pain becomes irrelevant. One experiences pain but it does not devastate the person. It does not bring you down. It lifts you higher. Bliss like you have known comes through pain like you have never had before. It is like that. (more…)

  • Agnihotra Workshops in North & South Islands of New Zealand, November 2011

    Frits and I will be in New Zealand, North & South Island, in November, 2011 conducting workshops on Agnihotra and Homa Therapy. The tour schedule is as follows:

    Blockhouse Bay/ Sunday, Nov. 6th / 5 – 9pm
    Nirmala D’Souza, 09 627 2454, M 021 269 5364

    Radio interview / Wednesday, Nov. 19th / 1 – 2pm
    Radio Tarana, www.tarana.co.nz Radio AKL 1386 AM

    Radio interview / Thursday, Nov. 10th / 1 – 2pm
    AM1206, Streamed online at communityradio.co.nz

    Awhitu / Thursday, Nov. 10th / 6.30 – 9.30pm
    Linda Jones, 09 235 1187, M 027 495 4748

    Auckland Te Atatu / Friday Nov 11h / 6.30 – 9.30 pm
    Rashmi Bhatia, 09 8352998 anilrashmi@xtra.co.nz

    Ellerslie / Saturday, Nov. 12th / 5 – 9pm
    Darryl Sang, M 027 471 9452, Rudolph Steiner House, 104 Michael’s Ave

    Hamilton / Sunday, Nov. 13th / 4 – 8.30pm
    Barry Bartlett, 07 838 1838, M 027 443 6340, Hamilton Spiritual Centre, 481 Anglesea St

    Turangi / Tuesday, Nov. 15th / 5 – 9pm
    Bryan, M 02 179 9056, Awhi Farm

    Palmerston North / Wednesday, Nov. 16th / 6.30 – 9pm
    304 Church St. $5 venue fee / TS Members $2, Hosted by Theosophical Society Palmerston North branch

    Wellington / Thursday, Nov. 17th / 6.30 – 9pm
    Raj Vinod Anand, M 021 02740315, “Our Place” James Smith Building, cnr Cuba & Manner

    Motueka / Saturday, Nov. 19th / 4 – 8pm
    Verena, 03 5267 805 verenagruner@hotmail.com, Riverside Community, Upper Moutere

    Golden Bay / Sunday, Nov. 20th / 4 – 8pm
    Joanna, 03 525 8448 rojoanna@ihug.co.nz, “Sandcastle” venue fee $5, Haile Lane, Pohara

    Masterton / Tuesday, Nov. 22nd / 6.30 – 9pm
    Hella Coenen, 06 372 5624

    Havelock North / Thursday, Nov. 24th / 6.30 – 9pm
    Corra MacIntyre, 06 870 3756 corra@kaipo.co.nz, Mangarau Steiner Kindergarten, 140 Mangarau Cres

    Hawkes Bay / Saturday, Nov. 26th / 10am – 8pm
    Hands-on workshop at Koanga Institute

    Auckland Ellerslie / Tuesday, Nov. 29th / 6.30 – 9pm
    Bring your kit, Darryl Sang, 09 5261989

  • Dr Miroslav Haber on Radioactivity

    One Eastern European scientist said:
    “Normally scientists will not understand easily how radioactivity can be neutralised by doing AGNIHOTRA. They always think of burning something as a chemical process only. But if it is only a chemical process then the nuclei of the atoms would not be changed. And therefore radioactivity could not be affected at all.

    But in the last few years there were some articles on so-called ‘Cold Fusion’ where under quite normal conditions in laboratories, atoms were fused. Most scientists do not believe that this is possible. However, these reports were correct. In the Agnihotra process there is also something like cold fusion. This explains how radioactivity can be eliminated. The brainwaves of a person sitting near Agnihotra have an impact on the flame. If you measure the frequencies of the flame by some optical methods we could get something like EEG without even touching that person.” (more…)

  • Agnihotra at the “Three Rainbows” Festival in Seeboden, Austria

    I was invited to teach Agnihotra at the “Three Rainbows” Festival in Seeboden, Austria.

    Petra, Annette and Heidi with their staff created this wonderful event. Their message is: “If you want changes, live them. Retrieve from commerce and go into the heart.”