Homa Therapy International


  • Agnihotra Neutralizes the Effects of Radioactivity


               Do not concentrate on the negative aspects of people. Concentrate on positive. In discovering faults in yourself let that not deter you, let it inspire you. Make the effort to rid yourself of your faults and you will be rewarded with their gradual disappearance if you practise your disciplines faithfully. Everything depends on your own efforts. You can be given one hundred indications in dreams and visions but if you yourself do not make efforts to follow them, progress will be dulled.
              Do not think, “What will be”. Focus on what already is i.e. “Be here and now”. Meditate 2 to 3 minutes before meal. No worry. No fear. Only love now.
              Relax, move and turn off the worries and anxieties just as if you had a faucet and turn off water that was flowing out. Then replace those thoughts, worries, fears with REPETITION OF HOLY NAME. (more…)

  • Agnihotra for Japan

    Maki Obokata (left), flew in from Japan to spend time at Om Shree Dham to refine her Agnihotra and Om Tryambakam Homa practice and to update herself in applying ash medicine as protection and antidote to radioactivity and in particular to share this with others in Japan.

    She visited Om Shree Dham previously and returned to Japan just before the earthquake/tsunami took place in 2011. She was ever so grateful to have come across Agnihotra as she was suddenly finding herself in dire need of the protection which Agnihotra and ash medicine offers against radioactivity. She also wanted to help the people of Japan. We sent an Agnihotra kit to Maki in the mail and also regularly ash medicine to distribute. (more…)

  • Agnihotra workshops in Victoria, Australia, October 2013

    In October I travelled to Victoria to conduct free workshops on Agnihotra and Homa Therapy.

    Many people were re-inspired to renew their practice and many new people took up Agnihotra to benefit their environments. (more…)

  • Agnihotra in Bali, Indonesia

    There are quite some Balinese people who are very keen to learn the form of Agnihotra we know and perform every day.

    Hindu priests in Bali perform a fire practice that they also give the name of Agnihotra.

    Even so, some of them say they are open to learning the Agnihotra as given by Shree for environmental healing. (more…)

  • Give Children a Strong Foundation

                   A child who is given a strong foundation will do well growing up, even in the world today. Just because we face disaster coming in various natural phenomena, this does not mean we cannot turn our thoughts and our attention to our children. Give them all love and total acceptance. This does not mean you let them do anything they want. Discipline should be firm but never harsh. Try to stay away from any physical punishment as regular form of discipline. Try to use reason in any approach towards your child. Write stories with your child, draw, play music, dance, sing. Do not think of the world coming to an end. It is not like that. Be positive and nurture your child’s creativity and natural curiosity. Be full of love with your children.


  • Create your own Agnihotra Timetable

    Create your own Agnihotra timetable using our online software.

    • PC and MAC friendly.
    • Pinpoint your exact location using Google Maps.
    • Once you have found your exact location on the map simply click your location and hit the ‘Next’ button.
    • You can then choose either one full year timetable as downloadable pdf file or alternatively any particular date range.

    If you have any difficulty using the online program you may request an Agnihotra timetable.

  • Agnihotra in Taizé-Aizie, Charente, France

    Béatrice and Bruno Farano write from L’Isle Taizé-Aizie in France:

    We perform the Agnihotra daily morning and evening. Ashes go into the garden and we also eat them. We are two or three persons performing Agnihotra every day.

  • 40th Anniversary of Parama Dham Fire Temple, Madison, VA, USA

    Sunday, September 22nd, 2013 marked the 40th anniversary of the Parama Dham Fire Temple in Madison, Virginia. Inaugurated by Shree Vasant in 1973, Parama Dham was the first Fire Temple in the world established under Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj’s dispensation of resuscitation of the ancient science of atmospheric purification for the New Age. The name Parama Dham, which means House of Almighty Father, was chosen by Maharaj Shree.

    In a Fire Temple there is no priest and nothing is worshipped. Agnihotra atmospheric purification technique is performed there twice daily at sunrise and sunset. Also, a fixed set of Mantras is chanted after Agnihotra. With the exception of the Mantras, silence is observed in the Fire Temple at all times. The atmosphere becomes surcharged with healing energies. (more…)

  • Summer Meeting at Homa-Hof Heiligenberg, Germany, July 2013

    Johanna Jenisch writes from Heiligenberg, Germany:

    “This summer, numerous visitors from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Ireland and Poland joined at the Homa-Hof Heiligenberg, European Centre for promotion of Agnihotra. Also a couple from South India, on a visit to their children in Europe, found their way here and were pleased about the activities for distribution of Agnihotra.

    “The summer meeting carried out for the third time was also a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Homa-Hof. After a warm welcome at the information point, the more than 200 visitors could read up on the development since the acquisition of the farm.” (more…)

  • Agnihotra in Moldova, Eastern Europe

    Benedict Caurausu writes from Chisinau, Moldova:

    “For the first time I came in contact with Agnihotra in 1996 through my friend from Ukraine, Andrey Guzanov. I was not so deeply touched because as I understood later one important thing had been missed – the correct time.

    “Also at this meeting I received some written information about Agnihotra. After I read it I understood that the Agnihotra is really a good thing and continued my research in this field. I got Dr. Ulrich Berk’s address and contacted him. For two years or so we kept in contact and as result of this in June of 2000 Dr. Berk came to Moldova. We organized several meetings in Chisinau (the capital city) and there were many participants. As result many people started to practice Agnihotra. (more…)