Homa Therapy International


  • Agnihotra Workshop at IHITC, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

    We were invited for a 2 days workshop on Agnihotra at the International Horticulture Innovation and Training Centre in Durgapura, Jaipur. Invitation was extended by Dr Sharad Godha, Director of the Institute. (more…)
  • Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya Newsletter

    “The Centre of Light is not just another yoga centre or ecology centre or esoteric centre. This is for the generation and regeneration of energies for the healing and protection of the continent of Europe. It is for the energetic healing of the planet. Centre of Light can be a turning point for many who wish to come, as transformation is a near certainty for most people who come and experience this rarified healing atmosphere.”


  • Beneficial Effects of Agnihotra on Brain Waves

    Homa-Hof Heiligenberg, Germany

    Agnihotra has a significant effect on brain waves; it relaxes and can generate such peaceful states of consciousness that are otherwise detectable in deep meditation only!

    Brain wave research 1 (more…)

  • Efecto del Agnihotra en la Contaminación del Aire

    Hicimos muchos experimentos que mostraron que el Agnihotra reduce las partículas patogénicas en el aire.

    Realizamos un nuevo experimento en marzo en la Universidad del Norte de Maharashtra en Jalgaon (a una hora de Tapovan), en el que se midió la materia particulada en el aire más SOx y NOx, empleando un Muestreo de Aire de Alto Volumen.

    Ver los resultados abajo.

    Se esperaba que durante y justo después del Agnihotra hubiese más partículas en el aire; cualquier fuego produce algo de humo.

    Dr. Ulrich Berk, right, with staff and students of North Maharashtra University, India
    Dr. Ulrich Berk, derecha, con personal y estudiantes de la Universidad del Norte de Maharashtra, Jalgaon, en India (more…)
  • Agnihotra Purifies Water

    A simple experiment: We sterilized two bottles of water, kept one in the lab and one in an Agnihotra hut. After three days we brought the bottle back from the Agnihotra hut into the lab. Then one drop of contaminated water was added to each bottle, and then count of coliform bacteria was measured for three days. (more…)
  • Satsang Volume 44 No 2

    Akasha restaurant extra cropped

    Agnihotra on Bali

    Robert Bagnall

    Bali is a place where much of the ancient ways are still honored and practiced, yet much has also been forgotten, and the westernization of the culture seems to be gaining momentum among the youth here. As Smart Phones and the internet are having a major impact on the culture, the ancient knowledge of the Vedas has also returned and today we are blissfully witnessing a resurgence of interest in Agnihotra by locals and foreign visitors who come to Bali to partake of the beauty and reconnect with nature.


  • What will the Centre of Light give you?

    We are building a pivotal place to serve the growing needs of many awakening people around the world. Here you can participate in learning tools to heal the planet and heal yourselves. This will create a domino effect where each person touched by the Centre of Light will walk away with knowledge to effect positive change on our beloved planet. (more…)
  • Agnihotra in Herberg de Aandacht Roman Catholic Church, Heteren, Netherlands

    Lobsang Choedak writes:
    For the first time we perform Agnihotra in a Roman Catholic church in the Netherlands. It was a great evening with nice people and 4 Agnihotra fires performed. Thanks for this amazing evening and experience. Jaroslaw Bizberg, Barry Rathner from Homa Therapy, Poland. Dennis Jansen from Homa Therapy, Netherlands and Aleida, a regular Agnihotra performer.

    We also thank Herberg De Aandacht for the great food and hospitality. (more…)

  • Agnihotra at the New Earth Haven, Bali, Indonesia

    Latest from Bali, Indonesia:

    Saturday sunset Agnihotra at the weekly New Earth Haven ecstatic dance event with Lux Lawrence Cochrane, Brian Kelly, Nau Schlosser and myself Robert Bruce Bagnall

  • Homa Therapy Exhibition in Gleissdorf, Austria

    Reiner and Manuela Sczypior wrote from Gleissdorf, Austria:

    "We had the opportunity to inform the community of Gleissdorf about the Holistic Healing Science of Homa Therapy and the Fivefold Path Mission School through exhibitions, presentations, talks and local newspaper articles. (more…)