Homa Therapy International


  • News of Homa Therapy in Australasia – Nov 2017

    Agnihotra for the Earth

    Sunrise Agnihotra at ‘Big Rock’, Overlooking Geographe Bay WA

    • Homa Therapy in WA
    • The science of Agnihotra – Agricultural yield
    • Rapid Healing with Agnihotra and Agnihotra ash medicine
    • Animals attracted to Agnihotra
    • Wonderful experience with full Homa Organic farming
    • Om Shree Dham Serving Homa Therapy Needs

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  • Centre of Light Update – November 2017


    We are thrilled to share with you that the construction of the Centre of Light has been going full steam ahead. We have already completed the structure for the second story, and next week the roof construction will begin. Our greatest joy would be to celebrate the completion of the roof by Christmas.


  • Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra: Agriculture – Food Quality (Part II)

          Now let us see whether Homa Farming has a positive effect on the nutritional value also. Again we find a lot of information in the four M.Sc. theses done at Dharwad Agricultural University (Karnataka, South India). Homa Farming methods were compared with organic methods (without Homa) and with conventional farming methods. The crops planted were soy beans, cabbage, tomatoes, and okra. (Okra is also known as ladies’ fingers, a vegetable quite popular in Asian and African countries.)

  • Satsang Volumen 45 # 4

    Ecoaldea Bhrugu Aranya Verano 2017

    El verano en la Ecoaldea Bhrugu Aranya estuve lleno de visitantes de diferentes países, incluyendo Estados Unidos, Australia, Suiza, Alemania, Canadá, China, Hungría, India, Turquía, Tailandia, Israel, Chile, Brasil, Holanda, Italia, Romania y Polonia! Como siempre hubo un animado intercambio de ideas y experiencias, así como sanación recibida de los muchos fuegos que se realizan aquí diariamente. Verdaderamente somos Un Solo Mundo.
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  • Purification

           Because of the extreme cleansing of atmosphere and charging of all energies present people will begin to feel their inner cellular structure changing. They will call it by other sensations or senses but it is that. Cellular structure is changing. This is as ORION has instructed the beginning, of the shift into the ‘Light bodies’. People in these special places will start reporting visions. Also in photographs Light will appear, strange shapes of Light will appear, also discs of Light and what appears to be another body behind the body that is physically present.


  • Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra: Agriculture – Food Quality

          For good health, proper diet with nutritious vegetables, fruits, and grains is of great importance. But it seems that with the food produced nowadays our bodies often do not get all the micronutrients they need to maintain good health. Several recent studies show that there is a decline in nutritional value of vegetables, fruits, and grains. (more…)

  • Satsang Volumen 45 # 3

    Programa de Granja de Verano para Niños de Ancient Oaks 2017-¡Otro Éxito!

    Patricia (Patty) Norton y Maria Broom

    Uno de los sueños más grandes de Shree Vasant fue llevar a niños desde el corazón de la ciudad de Baltimore a nuestra granja Homa, donde pudieran experimentar espacios verdes al aire libre y una sanadora atmósfera saturada de fuegos Homa. Con una generosa subvención del Fondo Krieger, la Comunidad Homa de Baltimore pudo ofrecer el segundo año de su Programa de Verano para Niños, en la Granja Homa Ancient Oaks (Antiguos Robles) en Westminster, Maryland. Ocho grupos–más de 300 niños–vinieron a disfrutar de un medio día de caminatas, tamborileo, baile, yoga, sanación con sonido, cuenta cuentos, sabrosos almuerzos vegetarianos y silenciosa meditación con fuego Homa, sin mencionar muchísimo tiempo libre para simplemente correr y jugar sin miedo al tráfico, a la violencia y a las balas. Con maravillosos y flexibles facilitadores y abundante gracia de Shree, pudimos realizar todo esto lo que es extremadamente aleccionador.
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  • Relationships

         No arguments. No quarrels. All the time go out of the way to complement each other. Make positive comments about the other person. Care for each other’s needs. Concentrate on pleasing the other one. Spend time together. Concentrate on showing each other love and appreciation. Never harsh words. Heal each other physically, emotionally, spiritually. All levels. Do not hold back the love, affection, the caring. All the time practice this. Go to the extreme to compliment and honor each other. Do this.


  • Satsang Volume 45 No 4

    Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya Summer 2017

    Summer at Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya was rich with visitors from many countries, including United States, Australia, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, China, Hungary, India, Turkey, Thailand, Israel, Chile, Brazil, Holland, Italy, Romania, and Poland! As always, there was a lively interchange of ideas and experiences, as well as healing received from the many fires performed here daily. We truly are One World.


  • Do Not Worry about Succeeding or Failing

           Nothing is so severe it cannot be remedied at this time. Make great efforts on a daily basis. Do not worry about succeeding or failing. Just make the effort.
         Sadness – happiness – sadness. Human condition is always the same. We have to be lifted out of this now. Spread the holy healing fires. This is intense good Karma. A little effort will take you a long way. Ultimately you will look back on this and laugh.
