Satsang Volume 47 No 1

Update on Centre of Light

Eco-Village, Bhrugu Aranya
Jordanow, Poland

Centre of Light in Jordanow, Poland, is a guided project, dedicated to educate, inspire and assist in healing the planet. These are trying times that call out for solutions. Our goal is to provide ancient solutions for our contemporary world. The Centre of Light will be a safe haven and a beacon of Light for many.

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Health Can Improve with One Hour Homa Daily

        Health can improve with one hour Homa daily. We are fortunate today to have such a method of healing. Of course if you continue to abuse your body with bad foods or cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc., you will find contradictions in your lifestyle. You’ll have to choose one way or the other. At that point Agnihotra will aid in making a right decision. Life’s problems catch up to you quicker, the faster you live your life.

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Satsang Volume 46 No 7

World Agnihotra Day

Vinayak Lokur
Belgaum, India

We observed the World Agnihotra Day at Expert Engineering Belgaum, Karnataka, India on 12th March 2019. This was the 9th consecutive year.

A one-hour session was arranged for the Agnihotra promoters, specifically, wherein Mr. S. K. Kulkarni and Col. Dr. Madan Deshpande shared their experiences and views on “Promotion of Agnihotra.

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Satsang Volume 46 No 6

Two Special Purpose Yajnyas in Maheshwar

Sarvajit Paranjpe
Maheshwar, India

The ancient science of bio-energy given through Vedas describes certain energy processes which have the power to effect a change in the functioning of PRANA (life-force which pulsates through us and connects us with the cosmos). These energy processes come under the category of YAJNYA.

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