Homa Therapy International

Category: Moldova

  • Regular Agnihotra Meetings in Chisinau, Moldova, Eastern Europe

    Mr. Benedict Carausu wrote and sent the photo where he shares Agnihotra:

    "I first came in contact with Agnihotra in 1996 through my Ukrainian friend Andrey Guzanov. (more…)

  • Agnihotra in Moldova, Eastern Europe

    Benedict Caurausu writes from Chisinau, Moldova:

    “For the first time I came in contact with Agnihotra in 1996 through my friend from Ukraine, Andrey Guzanov. I was not so deeply touched because as I understood later one important thing had been missed – the correct time.

    “Also at this meeting I received some written information about Agnihotra. After I read it I understood that the Agnihotra is really a good thing and continued my research in this field. I got Dr. Ulrich Berk’s address and contacted him. For two years or so we kept in contact and as result of this in June of 2000 Dr. Berk came to Moldova. We organized several meetings in Chisinau (the capital city) and there were many participants. As result many people started to practice Agnihotra. (more…)

  • Firing the Grid – Agnihotras around the World on September Equinox, 2013

    On September 21 & 22, 2013 Agnihotra practitioners from around the globe participated in a network of Agnihotra being performed on the September Equinox. The aim was to create a grid of Sacred Fires or ‘firing the grid’ and to ideally have two waves of Agnihotra fires moving around the planet (one for sunrise, one for sunset).
    We received many responses from people all over the world informing their coordinates. We were amazed to find every continent represented, and people from Alaska to Africa, from Europe to U.S.A., Australia to Russia, Japan to Hawaii. There were more than 450 Meridiens of Longitude represented with Agnihotra Fires in more than 50 countries. There may have been more that we were unaware of. (more…)

  • Homa Therapy Report from Moldova

    Benedict Caraush writes from Moldova:
    In my life during the last eighteen years I have come in contact with different spiritual ways, and practice different techniques like meditation, pranayama, fasting, etc. In 1996 for the first time I came in contact with Agnihotra through my Ukranian friend Andrey Guzanov. I was not so deeply touched because I later understood that one important thing had been missing: correct timing.

    Benedict Caraush and his wife Valeria are sitting in the middle


  • Homa Therapy in Moldova

    Moldova, formerly part of the Soviet Union, is now an independent small country south of Ukraine and north-east of Romania. There is very little industry and the economy of the country is totally dependent on agriculture.