If You Walk This Path with Absolute Humility…

(Message received by Parvati Rosen-Bizberg in meditation)
3rd of  July, 2020. Shree Vasant

All the years of training, all the teachings of Fivefold Path of the Vedas have revealed to all of you the Path of Light. If you walk this path with absolute humility—whether you fall or rise or fall and rise again from bad habits or succumb to negative circumstances — Divine will catch you. If in your hearts you have the willingness to walk this Path to very best of your ability, the fruits will be received.

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Satsang Volume 48 No 2

Agnihotra-Homa Therapy International Online Seminar

Lisa Powers
Madison, VA, USA

At the initiative of Reiki Vidya Niketan, in conjunction with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Homa Therapie (German Association of Homa Therapy) and Fundacja Terapia Homa (Homa Therapy Foundation, Poland) a 4-day online seminar was held from June 12-15th, 2020. An international group of Certified Homa Therapy Teachers spoke on a wide range of Agnihotra and Homa Therapy aspects. Presentations were scheduled for 2 hours per day. Attendance ranged from 200-340 persons daily.

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On Negative Forces

On Negative Forces
We know that the dark side exists, certainly, but when we create an atmosphere of healing with these fires, it dispels the darkness. It can completely change the energy of the place and, in the same place where one has felt the negative forces, one is actually surrounded by the Devas who are protective. It becomes an atmosphere where healing takes place.

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Magdalena’s MiniYoga for Children – Part 2

Maria Magdalena Bernales


         Hello everybody! We are so grateful to be with all of you again. In order to continue with the presentation of the Fivefold Path, we propose to review the second concept, Self-Discipline or Tapa. We hope that this content is of use to facilitate the teaching of this marvelous and invaluable ancient tool, adapted for the children of today.
I want to take this opportunity to thank and highlight the GREAT patience and kindness of our dear Master Shree Vasant, and for having had the privilege of receiving these teachings, His instructions and His guidance. We sincerely hope to be contributing and replicating as He would.
With all our love for all of you, MiniYogaChile Continue reading “Magdalena’s MiniYoga for Children – Part 2”

Parenting in the Time of Coronavirus – Part 2

By Lisa Powers, Parama Dham,
Madison, VA, USA

Helping Your Children Cope
For countless children, this is a time of great loss — of friends, of activities they looked forward to, and many other things that formed their daily life. Accept your children’s feelings — they are natural — and let them know that you understand if they feel sad.
Young children may not understand what’s going on, but they can still feel upset by changes in the household routine, or by seeing others around them who are distressed. Continue reading “Parenting in the Time of Coronavirus – Part 2”

Satsang Volume 48 No 1

Shree Vasant Paranjpe’s Books

Sarvajit Paranjpe
Maheshwar, India

The task of making Shree Vasant’s teachings available to all took a great leap forward on May 13th, 2020. In honor of the 99th birth anniversary of Shree Vasant, Fivefold Path Mission, Maheshwar, India, announced that it has made Shree Vasant’s books available at amazon.com. This step was planned as a gift and service.

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Know What Is Going On In The World, But Do Not Allow It To Pull You Down

If you open a newspaper or read news on the computer, every day you will feel some shock. And every day it will be a new development. Even if still war is raging in one country, next day’s headlines will focus on the next disaster or the next horrific crime. Then, it gets replaced next day. Not that the dilemmas are resolved, but next headline has to be the next shock.
It used to be called a ‘hook.’ And what does a ‘hook’ do? It catches you. If you were a fish you would become that night’s dinner. But the news, though definitely grim, is designed, presented, packaged and delivered to hook you in.
Good to be aware, so you know what is going on in the world, but do not allow it to pull you down.
Continue reading “Know What Is Going On In The World, But Do Not Allow It To Pull You Down”

Fivefold Path for Happy Living

Operation Fulfillment is Our Project.
The Fivefold Path of the Cosmic Scriptures is the means.
It is not enough that this message be believed,
It is a message to be lived.
Believe what you experience.

– Shree Vasant Paranjpe

1. Yajnya
HOMA Therapy is the science of purification of the atmosphere through the agency of FIRE. AGNIHOTRA HOMA (YAJNYA) is the basic HOMA. It is tuned to the biorhythm of sunrise/sunset and gives nutrients to the plant kingdom, removes diseases in a certain area and removes tension on the mind.
This is the basic process in the sciences of medicine, agriculture, climate engineering and interplanetary communication.

Agnihotra practice generates an atmosphere of healing and peace. Continue reading “Fivefold Path for Happy Living”