Agnihotra in Panama City

Eng. Jorge Rivera (photo left) wrote from Panama city:
“I’m sharing Homa Therapy with my Hare Krishna friends.
We also did a Rudra Yajnya with Orlando Guia, his wife Maria Alexandra Brito and Mrs Ida Araujo.”
(photo right)

Christian Alvaro Vasquez Soto’s Story

Christian Alvaro Vasquez Soto
Carabayllo, Lima, Peru

    "I am working in a Social Security (EsSalud) Hospital in emergency services. I learned about Homa Therapy 10 years ago, but I started with its daily practice only two years ago. I remember, six years ago, when I did the Homa Fires for a while, I made some small fires, but found no one to advise and guide me. Even though I did not give much credibility to Homa Therapy, I experienced two significant changes in my life.
      When I started practicing these Fires, I suddenly got a visa for Australia. It seemed that someone knocked on the door and gave me the visa, money, ticket, everything.

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Homa Healing and Meditation in Vina del Mar, Chile

We received these photos and letter from Sebastian Figueroa from Vina del Mar, Chile:
"I am sending some photos of Homa activities we have been organizing during the month of December with my friend, Paz Manriquez, in Vina del Mar. The photos below show a service activity called  “Afternoon with Homa healing and Meditation" in the ‘Centro Integral Purnam’.

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All Our Sense Organs are Focused Outwards

       All of our sense organs are focused outwards and not inwards. The sense of touch, the sense of sight, smell, etc., all these five sense organs. Then the body gets used to finding pleasure through these sense organs. All the time the body is trying to seek pleasure by making use of these senses to procure material things and specific situations. So that means, we have to take care how we feed all these five sense organs, so that this ‘I am the body’ consciousness is not more fattened and it is reduced. Continue reading “All Our Sense Organs are Focused Outwards”

Purify and Simplify Your Life

         Concentrate on being pure of thought, word and deed. Purify and simplify your life. Learn to think of others and less of yourself. Less and less and less. Then emotional problems, faults, inconsistencies, fears, bad habits, all disappear.

         If you begin thinking about the other person, you have no time to think of your own frailties. No doubt you should be aware of them but do not dwell on them. It has the same effect as the person who thinks he is perfect. He struts around the stage of life totally unaware of his effect on others and others’ needs. Still the same, if a person walks around thinking he is terrible, feeling depressed he has no time to listen to others’ problems. Same thing and the same effect. Think of others to get rid of your ego. Continue reading “Purify and Simplify Your Life”

Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya – A Centre of Light for Europe

Bhrugu Aranya is a blossoming International Ecovillage, the only one of its kind in Poland. Since 1995, Bhrugu Aranya has grown from a small organic farm into a holistic educational centre.

Here, in this unique atmosphere, people come to experience healing, meditation, organic gardening and unity with nature on a profound level.

This is an educational centre for learning about Homa Therapy & the ayurvedic fire practice of Agnihotra in an experiential way. Continue reading “Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya – A Centre of Light for Europe”

To Change Another Person’s Perspective

           The most effective way to change another person’s perspective behavior, attitudes is by your own example. If the person is judgmental towards others, once you notice this fault in them, let it go. Otherwise you are also in danger of doing the same. Then show acceptance and tolerance to that individual. Do not be afraid of the person, what they will say or do to you. If you are reacting with love where is the question of fear? Continue reading “To Change Another Person’s Perspective”

Agnihotra and The Spiritual Ecologist

Agnihotra and The Spiritual EcologistAs I sit still and look out across the gardens and fields, there is so much going on! The sights, the smells, the sounds, the fragrant flowers being warmed by the early morning heat of the sun, the bees busy with their daily activity, the singing of birds, the flapping of wings, the buzzing of a multitude of insects.

Beyond the fields, a forest of lush green trees is swaying in the breeze. So much life, so much dependence on one another, and everything stands in delicate balance – layer upon layer upon layer of mutuality and interconnectedness – the sun, the seasons, the rain. The wildlife, earthworms, microbes and fungi. Life, decay, rebirth.

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To Rid Yourself of Negative Habit Patterns

       To rid yourself of negative habit patterns replace them. Concentrate only on positive thoughts. Positive actions will result. Get out of these material worldly desires.

          You need not focus on the negative aspects of your personality. We are not concerned with the personality — except as it is used as an instrument to uplift others. Concentrate and focus all energies on this Fivefold Path work now. Rebuild yourself with intensified meditations.

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Another HOMA Farm in India Receives a Government Award

Mr Anand Gaikwad and his wife, Lata have 8 acres mango, lime and sapota garden near Thane in Maharashtra.

This “Krishi Bhushan” award was handed over by the Hon. Chief Minister of Maharashtra – Shri Prithviraj Chavan. (photo left)

It is the third award a Homa farm receives from the government, after Mr. Abhay Mutalik Desai (Krishi Pandit) and Mrs. Asha Naik (ASPEE L.M. PATEL “FARMER OF THE YEAR” award). Continue reading “Another HOMA Farm in India Receives a Government Award”