Always Attune Yourself to that Higher Force

        Always attune yourself to that higher force and you will be constantly taken care of as if a hand is above you directing you to your goal.

         Take care of yourself and your family. Spend time together and apart. You can do all activities and enjoy your time together and still do meditation. It is difficult staying with your family, but at least you are doing Agnihotra regularly. Spend some time alone also.

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Satsang Volume 44 No 2

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Agnihotra on Bali

Robert Bagnall

Bali is a place where much of the ancient ways are still honored and practiced, yet much has also been forgotten, and the westernization of the culture seems to be gaining momentum among the youth here. As Smart Phones and the internet are having a major impact on the culture, the ancient knowledge of the Vedas has also returned and today we are blissfully witnessing a resurgence of interest in Agnihotra by locals and foreign visitors who come to Bali to partake of the beauty and reconnect with nature.

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Agnihotra in Herberg de Aandacht Roman Catholic Church, Heteren, Netherlands

Lobsang Choedak writes:
For the first time we perform Agnihotra in a Roman Catholic church in the Netherlands. It was a great evening with nice people and 4 Agnihotra fires performed. Thanks for this amazing evening and experience. Jaroslaw Bizberg, Barry Rathner from Homa Therapy, Poland. Dennis Jansen from Homa Therapy, Netherlands and Aleida, a regular Agnihotra performer.

We also thank Herberg De Aandacht for the great food and hospitality. Continue reading “Agnihotra in Herberg de Aandacht Roman Catholic Church, Heteren, Netherlands”

Tips for Practicing Agnihotra Correctly

     Following are answers to the most frequently asked questions by people beginning the Agnihotra practice.
     It is important to practice this technique correctly in order to receive all its wonderful benefits:

* The shape, size and measurements of the pyramid are specific for Homa Therapy.
* The Agnihotra Mantra needs to be chanted at the exact time to the second specified in the time table.
* People who perform Agnihotra or any other Homa need to remove their shoes (do not place your feet on top the shoes either). Also, people who just participate in a Homa Fire are asked to remove their shoes during this healing process. It is something similar to ‘grounding’ used in electricity.

  Continue reading “Tips for Practicing Agnihotra Correctly”