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Category: Blog
‘Funlibre’ – the New Homa Therapy Center in Bogota, Colombia
Mrs. María Teresa Nuñez wrote:
"Little by little the new Homa Center of Bogota ‘Funlibre’ is getting stronger, thanks to the dedication of Diana Marcela Molano and her husband Joaquín Endir Rozo.
We can support them with our presence. The power of many Fires lit is helping this area, the country and the entire planet. Our country needs now more than ever, many HOMA FIRES and many AGNIHOTRAS.
May no pyramid remain unlit, because this is our power, our FIRE weapon of LOVE, COURAGE and STRENGTH … and this is the time, this is the occasion!
(Mrs. María Teresa Nunez in the center) (more…)International Day of Yoga Celebrated in Piura, Peru
International Day of Yoga in Piura was organized by the Piura County and Yoga Teacher Karen Espinoza. (more…) Agnihotra Spreading in Panama City, Panama
These pictures received from Psychologist, Vera Martinez, in Panama City. (more…)
Massive Agnihotra Practice in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Mrs. Irina Kolchina wrote from Almaty:
"We are very pleased to receive the Homa Health Newsletters and always share the good news. As a group, we also practice Agnihotra often in our city."
Homa Gathering in the Natural Reserve Forest, ‘Cerro Blanco’ near Guayaquil, Ecuador
Jorge Rivera, an ardent practitioner of Homa Therapy, shares these photos of a Homa meeting in July in the Natural Reserve ‘Cerro Blanco’ close to the city of Guayaquil. (more…)
Beneficial Effects of Agnihotra on Brain Waves
Homa-Hof Heiligenberg, Deutschland
Agnihotra hat einen deutlichen Effekt auf die Gehirnwellen, es entspannt und kann derart friedliche Zustände erzeugen, wie sie sonst nur in tiefer Meditation feststellbar sind!
Homa Organic Farming Workshop in ‘Satsang’ Farm, Curacavi, Chile
Ms Karina Ohme shares about an event in her Farm ‘Satsang’:
"A Homa Organic Farming workshop was conducted by the agricultural engineers Carolina Morales and Paula Heinsohn (Sukhmani), both with extensive experiences in Ecological Homa Farming. (more…)Agnihotra on ‘Gavisa’ Farm in Togo, West Africa
Marco Brutschin (Fotos a la derecha con su amigo, el agricultor Komla, en Togo, África) comparte su
experiencia:"Mi amigo agricultor, Komla de Togo, África, me contó que a pesar de la sequía actual después de haber empezado con el Agnihotra llovió fuerte en su finca, sin embargo en los alrededores nada.
También le ha ayuda muchísimo con su salud. Le pedí escribir algo de sus experiencias con Agnihotra para el Boletín Homa y aquí son extractos de esta carta de Komla:"Agnihotra on ‘Gavisa’ Farm in Togo, West Africa
Marco Brutschin (Photo right with his friend Komla, a farmer in Togo, West Africa) shares his experience:
"My farmer friend Komla from the village Yépévié, Kpalime in Togo, told me, that after starting with Agnihotra, despite the current drought, it rained heavily on his farm, but not in the surrounding areas.
It has also helped him greatly with his health. I asked him to write something about his experiences with Agnihotra for the Homa Newsletter and here are excerpts from his letter:"(more…)
Agnihotra Started at Arsha Vidya Ashram, Belgaum, Karnataka, India
Eng. Vinayak Lokur shares about his visit to Arsha Vidya Ashram:
"On the auspicious occasion of the Hindu New Year, Agnihotra practice started at Aarsh Vidya Ashram, Belgaum. It was a pleasure interacting with the girls and noting their interest in our ancient traditions and in self-development. (more…)