We have come for the Highest Mission on the planet. It is all the Divine Plan. We are entering a new phase of consciousness. There is a great commotion as a great space shrinkage has been produced. |
Be truth. Be patient. Be full of love. Be compassion. All that you seek, be that. Clear away the illusion. All the joy you seek is already within you. Limited knowledge is as good as no knowledge at all. Knowledge that is given through regular practice of Agnihotra is beyond reason, thought or even man’s massive intellect. It is beyond science itself. Over the years you have gone every way but the direct way. So now We have to redirect the way. The pulls of the mind are strong. So the thinking has to be redirected. All suffering is unnecessary. You must have more faith for indeed NOW is the time. Time is short and we do not want you to miss this opportunity. Change has to occur. Intensify Sadhana (spiritual practice). |