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If One Practises Swádhyáya
So becoming aware of one’s shortcomings should be a moment of great relief. Through earnest effort made to overcome such burdens as anger, lust, envy, greed and the like one advances spiritually and by Grace the cleansing is done rapidly now. Agnihotra gives the whole process a boost. Then one also learns or becomes aware of his/her capabilities and talents that help to give direction to this life. It is by cleansing oneself of desire and imperfections of character that one reaches the stage where he or she can truly be of service to the Almighty. FEARS ADVICE FOR COUPLES The first person to think of is each other, not the last. How you treat each other determines how you treat others. Always think like that. This is the way to learn to SERVE, to LOVE and have all compassion. Begin here. Every hour there are stones. We have to face the stones. Like hail stones they come. Still we remain clear focused on our way through any storm. |
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