Homa Therapy International

Homa Therapy Goes to Posadas, Misiones, Argentina

Through Agnihotri, Mariela Pugliese and her friend, Fabio Orúe, we arrived in the city of Posadas, Misiones, for an interview with the Minister of Family Agriculture of Misiones, Marta Isabel Ferreira and her advisors, Engineers Otto Ernesto Goritz and Adrian Emmanuel (left).
She is very committed to food sovereignty.

      In Posadas, we met Mrs. Ana Lis Gross, nutritionist and high school teacher that gives classes for adults. She is also working in the Municipality in the area of Civil Protection. From the first moment of experiencing Agnihotra, Ana Lis made a deep connection with this healing therapy and was motivated to organize several Homa meetings.

Photos of this page:
Agnihotra and Homa teaching at the "Ananda Yoga School" of Mrs. Silvia Galván.

During the days of our stay in Posadas, we shared the Agnihotra every morning and afternoon with Ana Lis, her daughter Agatha, newcomers and Agnihotra beginners. Every day, we taught and celebrated the Light of the Healing Homa Fire.
(Photos below and from the second row during Agnihotra meetings with Ana Lis.)

Upon returning to Posadas, Ana Lis and Silvia had organized several radio interviews, such as "Misiones  Online" with Antonella, Leandro & Silvia; El Centésimo Mono with Ivana Roth and on TV Channel 7, "Somos Posadas" (We are Posadas) with Jorge Bernal and Gabriela Barboza.

(Photos above from the interviews and photos below of Homa activities in Posadas.)


Photos above and left:
Agnihotra, Homa teaching and therapeutic exercises in “Ananda” – Artistic and Cultural Space, of Mrs. Silvia Galván.
Photos below:
Agnihotra, Homa Therapy – many questions to answer for Prof. Abel, especially from a group of young people. Mr. Enrique started to prepare the much needed Homa cow-dung cookies.

Mrs. Norma Berta Krause (right; see her testimony), arrived with her Agnihotra kit, well organized and made by hand with love from a shoebox!


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