Homa Therapy International

Category: News

  • Satsang Volume 44 No 3

    Children’s Summer Programs at Ancient Oaks Homa Farm

    Maria Broom

    Children, children, children, and young people! From the time the Baltimore Homa Community began to envision our Homa farm, we could always see children there playing, singing, dancing, drumming, hiking, bringing their happy, excited energy and blessing us with just their presence. Well, after two and a half years, our Ancient Oaks Homa Farm in Westminster, Maryland was able to welcome almost 300 children and youthful counselors from the heart of Baltimore city… from five different summer programs, on five separate field trips. (more…)

  • Homa Therapy in Australasia Newsletter 2016

    News of Homa Therapy in Australasia    2016

    Agnihotra Brings Peace and Relief

    See ‘birds of peace’ manifesting in 3 Agnihotra Fires

    At recent workshop in the Dandenong Mountains Vic. organized by Paras.
    Many young people attended. On right- long time Agnihotri JonRa.


  • Satsang Volumen 44 # 2

    Akasha restaurant extra cropped

    Agnihotra en Bali

    Robert Bagnall

    Bali es un lugar donde muchas de las costumbres ancestrales aún se honran y practican. Sin embargo, mucho también se ha olvidado, y la occidentalización de la cultura parece estar alcanzando un momentum entre los jóvenes aquí. Puesto que los teléfonos inteligentes y el internet están teniendo un gran impacto en la cultura, el antiguo conocimiento de los Vedas también ha regresado y ahora estamos felizmente siendo testigos de un resurgimiento del interés en el Agnihotra por parte de los lugareños y visitantes extranjeros que vienen a Bali para participar de la belleza y reconectarse con la naturaleza.

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  • Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya Newsletter

    “The Centre of Light is not just another yoga centre or ecology centre or esoteric centre. This is for the generation and regeneration of energies for the healing and protection of the continent of Europe. It is for the energetic healing of the planet. Centre of Light can be a turning point for many who wish to come, as transformation is a near certainty for most people who come and experience this rarified healing atmosphere.”


  • Satsang Volume 44 No 2

    Akasha restaurant extra cropped

    Agnihotra on Bali

    Robert Bagnall

    Bali is a place where much of the ancient ways are still honored and practiced, yet much has also been forgotten, and the westernization of the culture seems to be gaining momentum among the youth here. As Smart Phones and the internet are having a major impact on the culture, the ancient knowledge of the Vedas has also returned and today we are blissfully witnessing a resurgence of interest in Agnihotra by locals and foreign visitors who come to Bali to partake of the beauty and reconnect with nature.


  • Satsang Volume 44 No 1


    Centre of Light Indiegogo Crowdfunding Campaign Has Begun!

    Dear Friends around the world,

    Bhrugu Aranya is a blossoming International Ecovillage in the foothills of the majestic Tatra Mountains in southern Poland. Over the years, numerous people have visited our centre and had life-changing transformational experiences. Here, visitors and guests can receive healing, learn about spiritual ecology, connect with Nature and experience conscious community living.


  • News of Homa Therapy in Australasia – 2015

    Nature and people thrive with Agnihotra

    • Organic farming with Agnihotra – Some wonderful experiences in Australia and NZ

    • Protection from illnesses going round

    • Healing of chronic ills

    • General wellbeing – mental emotional and physical

    • News and Mission statement from Om Shree Dham- Homa Therapy
    Centre for Environmental healing and Inner Transformation

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  • News of Homa Therapy in Australasia – May 2014

    3 Day Live–in Agnihotra Teacher Training Australia

    Vyahruti Homa at 10am, 12pm and 3pm

    In February this year we held our first Australasian Agnihotra Teacher Training course at Om Shree Dham, Homa Therapy Centre in the Hunter Valley NSW.

    There are many people desirous of sharing Agnihotra with others but invariably we find that they struggle with how to describe Agnihotra often ending up using terms such as ceremony, ritual or Indian practice. And then suddenly the gift of environmental healing for all ends up reaching a very limited audience.

    In response to the need we put together a 3 day live-in course that we will conduct yearly. We are not talking about Homa Therapy Teacher Training, a much larger field of knowledge and application and which has very specific requirements such as a commitment to an Ahimsa lifestyle (practice of harmlessness) which includes vegetarianism and other subtle requirements. We are talking simply about assisting others to confidently share Agnihotra in the way Shree Vasant taught us – primarily as a universal environmental healing tool from the ancient knowledge base of Ayurveda.

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  • News of Homa Therapy in Australasia – June 2013

    Homa Therapy Centre and Homa Organic farm in the Hunter Valley, NSW

    chia and butterfly
    for Nature – Homa Chia and butterfly

    In the first 3 months of 2013 we were blessed with many visitors: Bruce Johnson and Anne Godfrey Homa Therapists from Tapovan India landed here for a well deserved rest, two Homa helpers, Taylor Logsdon from Canada and Maryann Billian from the US flew in to give us a hand, long time Australian Agnihotri, Karuna Coleman made the massive decision to live at Om Shree Dham for an indefinite period and Kel Wilson, first ever Australian Agnihotri, could not resist visiting twice to bask in the transformational Homa atmosphere.

    We also had many people staying for a while as paying guests to be in Homa atmosphere and others as work exchange. This short but very sweet experience of Homa life style was full of astounding inner shifts for all.

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  • News of Homa Therapy in Australasia – Sept 2012

    agnihotra at Om Shree Dham
    Agnihotra sunset at Om Shree Dham

    The family present were originally from Sth America, having learnt Agnihotra there. Also present a father and son, organic farmers and raw foodists from Cairns in far North QLD, staying at Om Shree Dham for one week to learn Homa Therapy.

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