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Category: Ulrich’s Blog
Purification of Water by Agnihotra
Previously, we saw that Agnihotra purifies the air from pathogenic bacteria, reduces harmful chemicals in the air like NOx and SOx, and also reduces the quantity of particulate matter in the air (which is harmful for our respiratory system).
Today we want to discuss the effects of Agnihotra and Agnihotra Ash on water. We are advised to add Agnihotra Ash to our drinking water, and many of us are doing so regularly. Why is that recommended? The reason is: Agnihotra Ash removes pathogenic bacteria from water. This has been tested number of times. One impressive experiment was done by Dr. John Matlander (photo), Cuenca, Ecuador.(more…)
Purification of the Atmosphere by Agnihotra
The main statement of Homa Therapy is: Agnihotra heals the atmosphere – and the healed atmosphere heals the environment, plants, animals, and humans. How can we understand that statement in terms of modern science? And then, as a second step, see whether modern scientific research can either confirm or refute such statements?
We will cover all these aspects of Agnihotra – effects on our environment (air, soil, and water resources), plant life including agriculture and horticulture, animal health and animal breeding, and human health in successive articles. (more…)Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra
Many people have experienced the beneficial effects of Agnihotra on their own health and well-being, on animals, plants, and on the environment.
If we trust our own experience – we do not need any scientists to tell us that this method of Agnihotra has beneficial effects.
We have experienced such effects and each month we can see a lot of new evidence of healings by Agnihotra in this Homa Health Newsletter. That is enough reason to continue doing these healing fires – scientific confirmation is not really needed. Still there are some considerations why scientific research about Agnihotra and Homa Therapy makes sense:(more…)
Agnihotra Purifies Water
A simple experiment: We sterilized two bottles of water, kept one in the lab and one in an Agnihotra hut. After three days we brought the bottle back from the Agnihotra hut into the lab. Then one drop of contaminated water was added to each bottle, and then count of coliform bacteria was measured for three days. (more…) Effect of Agnihotra on Air Pollution
We had a lot of experiments which show that Agnihotra reduces pathogenic particles in the air.
We did a new experiment in March in North Maharashtra University in Jalgaon (one hour away from Tapovan), measuring particulate matter in the air plus SOx and NOx using a High Volume Air Sampler.
See results below.
Dr. Ulrich Berk, right, with staff and students of
North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, India (more…)More Experiments with Agnihotra
More experiments regarding the effect of Agnihotra on purification of polluted air.
One was done at Vikram University in Ujjain, M.P., India, the other in North Maharashtra University in Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India. (more…)Dr. Ulrich Berk Demonstrates Agnihotra at University of North Maharashtra, Jalgaon, India
Dr. Ulrich was invited by various Departments of University of North Maharashtra, Jalgaon, India including Life Sciences, Environmental Sciences and other Departments to oversee experiments to measure pollution levels before and after Agnihotra. (more…) The Effect of Energy Field of Agnihotra on Water Purification
Dr Ulrich Berk from Germany has conducted several scientific experiments with Agnihotra. One experiment was conducted at the Homa Therapy Goshala in Maheshwar, MP, India in 2013. The experiment is important because it shows that there is an energy field around Agnihotra which causes the purification effect in water and this energy is not of the known electromagnetic type. So it poses the question:
“What is this energy, if it is not electromagnetic?”Homa Therapy in Ukraine
The Whole World Centre in Kiev had invited me to teach Agnihotra and Homa Therapy. I had met several leading members of that centre during the Summer Camp of Whole World Organization on an island of the Volga River in July earlier this year.
Homa Therapy Teaching Trip to Russia
Benedict from Moldova had informed me about a conference of the Anastasia organization in Gelendjik, South Russia (on the Black Sea).
Anastasia is a woman who lives in Siberia in the forest far away from all civilization. Even in winter she lives in natural caves and she just eats what nature offers her. There are books available now on her life and her mission, written by Wladimir Megre, who met her few times over there. Anastasia mentions the big changes which are going to come. (more…)