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Category: Blog
Another HOMA Farm in India Receives a Government Award
Mr Anand Gaikwad and his wife, Lata have 8 acres mango, lime and sapota garden near Thane in Maharashtra. This “Krishi Bhushan” award was handed over by the Hon. Chief Minister of Maharashtra – Shri Prithviraj Chavan. (photo left)
It is the third award a Homa farm receives from the government, after Mr. Abhay Mutalik Desai (Krishi Pandit) and Mrs. Asha Naik (ASPEE L.M. PATEL “FARMER OF THE YEAR” award). (more…)
Go More and More into These Disciplines
If you go more and more into these disciplines, you will live in harmony. One word of kindness does more than twenty words of criticism or insult. One kind word, one kind thought, all the time. Smile.
So many people suffer now in the world. Everyone has his own Karma. You may look at someone and think, "How ideal his/her life is." Then you do not know what troubles they already have, what is to come to them. So never look at the next person and think like that. Envy does no person good.
The New Almanac – Importance and Significance of Dassera
(Photo above: Parama Sadguru Shree offers obeissance to His Guru, Lord Parshuram).The dawning of the new Golden Age (Satya Yuga) will be accompanied by the gradual adoption of a new almanac, a new calendar. Just as 25th December and Easter are important Christian festival dates in the west and Krishna’s birthday and Buddha’s birthday are important festivals for the Hindus and Buddhists respectively of the east, so too will certain dates assume greater significance in later times. (more…) Agnihotra – not of any Religious Origin
We do not claim Agnihotra to be of any religious origin. It is a tool which allows us to become more understanding of the problems of others, the problems we are faced with in the world, the negativity, the air pollution. This itself enables us to become more full of love. Hence science paves the way to the Kingdom of Heaven which lies in each of us.
This is the answer to be given to all the universe.
Let the planet vibrate the message of love. Let Agnihotra be taken to all people, all across the globe.
If you think others should practice Tapa, self-discipline, you practice Tapa. If you want others to do good unto you, do good unto others. Learn from your own experiences. What makes me happy? What brings me greatest joy? You will find many times it is when we are truly serving others that a great feeling of fulfilment comes over us.Celebration of Earth Day 2014 in Paradise Garden, Painer, Eggersdorf, Austria
Once again this year we were invited by Peter and Roswita of Paradise Garden, Painer to celebrate Earth Day. We also learnt about topics of interest such as:
a) the effects of EM (Effective Microorganisms) composting in ponds and plants
b) how to avoid plastics in our daily lives, etc. (more…)Teaching Agnihotra in Mexico City
Therapist Michelle Balandra wrote about her visit to Mexico City:
“I was teaching Agnihotra to a wonderful group of women. We had a beautiful morning sharing Agnihotra and Agnihotra ash medicines.”
(Photo below during the ‘Women’s Healing Circle’ and pictured left Ms. Michelle doing Agnihotra.)
Answers to All Questions are Given in the Vedas
The answers to all questions are given in the Vedas, but the interpretation of the Vedas has often changed the TRUTH to suit the masses. There is great push now toward the LIGHT. The AGNIHOTRA fire will spread now in very fast way all over.
You go into more strict disciplines. Then you become free.
Negative forces have been stopped. Energy pattern shifts. There will be safe havens where fire is performed. BUILD THE ARKS OF FIRE ON LAND. Homa fire heals now.
Effect of Agnihotra Ash on Impurities in Drinking Water
Saurabh Sakhre
Sanghvi Institute of Management and Science
Indore, IndiaI am assistant professor in the Indore Institute of Science and Technology in the civil engineering department. I am 22 years old. 2 years ago I came to know about Agnihotra from Dr. Ulrich Berk and I started practicing it. In the beginning I was not regularly doing it, but after some time I did. (more…)
Agnihotra in the Valley of the Pyramids, Visoko, Bosnia & Herzegovina
We were invited to Visoko, in central Bosnia and Herzegovina to share Agnihotra and the Fivefold Path with guests and locals, Fathers of the Franciscan Order. Aranda and Ingomar and Heike were the patrons of this journey. (more…)
Effects of Agnihotra on Plate Count of Aerial Bacterial Flora
Dr B.R. Gupta, Associate Professor, Microbiology, CSA University of Agriculture, Kanpur, U.P.
Dr B.R. Gupta has conducted experiments on effects of Agnihotra on plate count of Aerial bacterial flora. He has found that in human residence where no Agnihotra was performed the bacterial colony count was 123 as against in the human residence where Agnihotra was done regularly the bacterial colony count was as low as a mere 25.