Answers Will Come in Meditation

        In your meditations when you have questions answers will come. You cannot expect however to sit down and receive an answer one day because for that one time you have meditated. You must train and relax the mind to a certain point by meditating regularly every day. Then automatically you become attuned to another energy cycle and receive higher knowledge through subtle channels.

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Purification of Water by Agnihotra

Previously, we saw that Agnihotra purifies the air from pathogenic bacteria, reduces harmful chemicals in the air like NOx and SOx, and also reduces the quantity of particulate matter in the air (which is harmful for our respiratory system).
Today we want to discuss the effects of Agnihotra and Agnihotra Ash on water. We are advised to add Agnihotra Ash to our drinking water, and many of us are doing so regularly. Why is that recommended? The reason is: Agnihotra Ash removes pathogenic bacteria from water. This has been tested number of times. One impressive experiment was done by Dr. John Matlander (photo), Cuenca, Ecuador.

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Fire Ceremony is Ancient

       Fire ceremony, as it is called in some places, is ancient. It is known to mankind all over the world. Many ancient cultures have long lost their fire rituals. In nearly every ancient civilization fire rituals of some kind were performed, generally for some kind of healing purposes. In old American Indian cultures certain tribes had ceremonial rites using fire as a spiritual force, source of energy and healing vibration. 

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How Can Agnihotra Help People who Live in Cities?

Certainly city life can be comfortable and quite convenient in different ways and fun. Usually people have their family, friends, jobs and schools there. Of course, also there can be many challenges. Whether one is aware or not, one has to deal with rising levels of pollution, life occurring at an accelerated pace, health issues, increasing family and job responsibilities, violence and security concerns, emotional upheaval and much stress, to name a few. All this I have seen happening often, as I was born in a big city and lived in big cities most of my life, in Peru and in the United States. Continue reading “How Can Agnihotra Help People who Live in Cities?”

43rd Anniversary of the Parama Dham Fire Temple in Madison, Virginia, USA

Thursday, September 22nd, 2016 marked the 43rd anniversary of the Parama Dham Fire Temple in Madison, Virginia. Inaugurated by Shree Vasant in 1973, Parama Dham was the first Fire Temple in the world established under Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj’s dispensation of resuscitation of the ancient science of atmospheric purification for the New Age. The name Parama Dham, which means House of Almighty Father, was chosen by Maharaj Shree.

Parama Dham, Madison, Virginia Continue reading “43rd Anniversary of the Parama Dham Fire Temple in Madison, Virginia, USA”

Purification of the Atmosphere by Agnihotra

The main statement of Homa Therapy is: Agnihotra heals the atmosphere – and the healed atmosphere heals the environment, plants, animals, and humans. How can we understand that statement in terms of modern science? And then, as a second step, see whether modern scientific research can either confirm or refute such statements?
We will cover all these aspects of Agnihotra – effects on our environment (air, soil, and water resources), plant life including agriculture and horticulture, animal health and animal breeding, and human health in successive articles. Continue reading “Purification of the Atmosphere by Agnihotra”