Sharing Agnihotra in Switzerland

  Eng. Matthias Erismann, who lives with his wife Ayrad and his daughters in Puerto Rico, arrived for Christmas in Switzerland, where he shares Agnihotra with his relatives.

Christmas is a time to share all the good things that bring us happiness.

Sharing Agnihotra in Puerto Rico

       From Puerto Rico we received these photos through Mrs. Franchi Fuente and Eng. Matthias Erismann, where they share Agnihotra among friends in Rincón beach, in Bayamon and in the homef Mrs. Ayrad and her husband. They commented:

"Healing the atmosphere and protecting our home – the planet."

Women’s Healing Circles, New York, USA

Ms. Michelle Balandra wrote:

"I am sending you some pictures of our ‘Womens’ Circle’ where we held a very detailed workshop on Homa Therapy and how to use Agnihotra ash combined with Ayurvedic oils and herbs. I am trying to make sure that every person who acquires the pyramid learns how to practice the Homa fires step by step and is well informed. It was a day full of joy with 15 Agnihotra pyramids lit! They almost called the fire-fighters, ha ha! A big hug!"

Ms. Michelle Balandra (on right of photo) Continue reading “Women’s Healing Circles, New York, USA”