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Agnihotra for Balance
Richard from Western Australia writes:
“My partner Sian taught me Agnihotra in March, 2012. I found doing Agnihotra took a measure of precision, practice and dedication to get right. When you do, it’s an amazing practice that, done diligently, reaps many rewards. Sian and I typically perform two fires, as we have a pyramid each. It’s a beautiful practice to do together.
“I utilise Agnihotra as an antidote for many of the environmental threats we face living in the city – for example, radiation, chem trails, EMF, microwaves, etc. Also, if ever the city you live in goes into chaos, its likely your home will be unaffected, as it vibrates at a much higher energy due to Agnihotra practices.
“My experience is that Agnihotra brings everything into balance. There is more peace and life goes more smoothly. It answers so many of today’s issues that every family would benefit from doing it regularly.”
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