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Second European Homa Therapy Teacher Certification Course
At Bhrugu Aranya Eco-Village,
Wysoka, Poland
5 – 10 April, 2015The intensive 20-hour 5-day course covered all aspects of Homa Therapy including Agnihotra Ash medicines, How to Teach to various audiences, Homa Organic Farming, Resonance Points, Self-Development and Homa Psychotherapy. A detailed explanation of the scientific aspects of Homa Therapy was provided.
This course was taught in English and was specifically for longtime practitioners of Agnihotra who wish to train in Homa Therapy teaching. (more…)
Raul Obando and Rocio Pazmiño’s Story | Protection
Raul Obando and Rocio Pazmiño
Guayaquil, Ecuador
South America"We practice Homa Therapy every day since nine years. Few Sundays ago, we were in a restaurant waiting to be served. Two armed robbers entered and began assaulting all persons who were present, except us. The restaurant has tables inside and also outside and all of them were robbed.
Let Mistakes be a Springboard for the Future
Do not become miserable over past mistakes. Let it be a springboard for the future.
All the time have Mantra on your lips, all the time. Do not become thrown to and from every day by troubles in life. At least say, “For this trouble I am deeply grateful, as this is my Karma and it shall no longer anger me, but humble me.” Then the whole thing changes. You can reverse your negative life Karma. Try it.
Agnihotra at the Metropolitan Park in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Agnihotra at the Metropolitan Park in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
A Festival for Nature …
With Datuk Alan Yong (photo left)(Photos: Puncak Ribu)
Celebrating Agnihotra again with the MaYu Tribe, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
The ‘MaYu’ Tribe in West Palm Beach, Florida knows and practices the Homa Fires for many years. In this nutrition store and trainings center, Dr. Mario Chavez and his wife Yuri invite their customers to know this powerful practice. (more…)
Homa Therapy in Mozambique
The Chilean sisters Camila and Josefa Molina Llamazares visited Mozambique and took the opportunity to teach Homa Therapy. They did 2 Agnihotra sessions in the "Shanti Yoga & Massage" Center in Maputo.
(see photos this and next page) (more…)
Full Moon Om Tryambakam Homa in Lima, Peru
A happy beginning of 2015!
We gathered with people coming from different districts of Lima city and began taking turns during the day and night to keep the Om Tryambakam fire going for 24 hours. (more…)The Effect of Energy Field of Agnihotra on Water Purification
Dr Ulrich Berk from Germany has conducted several scientific experiments with Agnihotra. One experiment was conducted at the Homa Therapy Goshala in Maheshwar, MP, India in 2013. The experiment is important because it shows that there is an energy field around Agnihotra which causes the purification effect in water and this energy is not of the known electromagnetic type. So it poses the question:
“What is this energy, if it is not electromagnetic?”Somayag 2015 – Atiratra
Maheshwar, the site chosen by Master Shree Vasant, for these planetary purifying Yajnyas.
(Above photos, show the temples of Maheshwar town in front of the sacred river Narmada, a sunset, invitation to the Somayag, art created with colorful spices and the large Somayag hall.)Keep Silence One Hour a Day
Silence. Keep silence one hour a day, at any point in the day. Each day find something to do which makes you happy. Any small thing. You will become aware that this will make others happy as well.
Cycles of birth and death are never ending. TO HAVE THIS OPPORTUNITY IN THIS LIFE TO TRANSCEND IS LIBERATION. It is a time for total surrender, but do not surrender to a physical form, but to the Divine. Indeed, HE is above all — PURE and completely ONE.