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43° Aniversario del Templo de Fuego de Parama Dham en Madison, Virginia, USA
El jueves 22 de septiembre del 2016 fue el 43° aniversario del Templo de Fuego de Parama Dham en Madison, Virginia. Inaugurado por Shree Vasant en el año 1973, Parama Dham fue el primer Templo de Fuego en el mundo establecido bajo el designio de Parama Sadgurú Shree Gajanan Maharaj de resucitar la antigua ciencia de purificación de la atmósfera para la Nueva Era. El nombre Parama Dham, que significa Casa del Padre Todopoderoso, fue escogido por Maharaj Shree.
Parama Dham, Madison, Virginia (more…)Satsang Volumen 44 # 4
Terapia Homa en la Conferencia Científica Internacional sobre Yoga y Ayurveda
Tres de los residentes de nuestra Eco-aldea Bhrugu Aranya dieron charlas a los muchos científicos, investigadores y estudiantes en la 3° Conferencia Internacional sobre Yoga y Ayurveda, en el Palacio Sulislaw en Polonia, del 24 al 26 de Junio. Asistieron personas de Alemania, Estados Unidos, India, Holanda y Polonia.
Leer mas…How Can Agnihotra Help People who Live in Cities?
Certainly city life can be comfortable and quite convenient in different ways and fun. Usually people have their family, friends, jobs and schools there. Of course, also there can be many challenges. Whether one is aware or not, one has to deal with rising levels of pollution, life occurring at an accelerated pace, health issues, increasing family and job responsibilities, violence and security concerns, emotional upheaval and much stress, to name a few. All this I have seen happening often, as I was born in a big city and lived in big cities most of my life, in Peru and in the United States. (more…)
43rd Anniversary of the Parama Dham Fire Temple in Madison, Virginia, USA
Thursday, September 22nd, 2016 marked the 43rd anniversary of the Parama Dham Fire Temple in Madison, Virginia. Inaugurated by Shree Vasant in 1973, Parama Dham was the first Fire Temple in the world established under Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj’s dispensation of resuscitation of the ancient science of atmospheric purification for the New Age. The name Parama Dham, which means House of Almighty Father, was chosen by Maharaj Shree.
Parama Dham, Madison, Virginia (more…)Satsang Volume 44 No 4
Homa Therapy at International Scientific Conference on Yoga and Ayurveda
Three of our Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya residents delivered talks to the many scientists, researchers and students at the III International Conference on Yoga and Ayurveda at the Sulislaw Palace in Poland, June 24-26. Attendees were from Germany, USA, India, Holland and Poland. (more…)
Purification of the Atmosphere by Agnihotra
The main statement of Homa Therapy is: Agnihotra heals the atmosphere – and the healed atmosphere heals the environment, plants, animals, and humans. How can we understand that statement in terms of modern science? And then, as a second step, see whether modern scientific research can either confirm or refute such statements?
We will cover all these aspects of Agnihotra – effects on our environment (air, soil, and water resources), plant life including agriculture and horticulture, animal health and animal breeding, and human health in successive articles. (more…)Activation of a Homa Resonance Point in ‘Casa Picaflores’ Farm, Naguabo, Rio Blanco, Puerto Rico
‘Casa Picaflores’ is the beautiful farm of Mrs. Barbara Rogers in Naguabo, Rio Blanco, Puerto Rico. She invited us there to establish a Resonance Point on her farm.Entrevista sobre “Terapia Homa, Poderosa Ciencia Ancestral Védica”
A continuación un extracto del contenido de una reciente ENTREVISTA realizada por Marianne Blanco de la guía holística “Mantras Urbanos” a Jessica Auza (Agnihotri de Perú). En ella se habla del AGNIHOTRA, sus orígenes, los beneficios de su práctica, pruebas científicas sobre su efectividad, entre otros. (more…)
Tutorial de Agnihotra (español)
Se ha elaborado un Tutorial de Agnihotra para aquellas personas que no tuvieron la oportunidad de recibir un entrenamiento personalizado, que por cierto recomendamos, o incluso para quienes lo recibieron y necesitan recordar algunos detalles importantes sobre la práctica. El Agnihotra es una práctica sencilla, mas requiere de precisión a fin de obtener los resultados, por lo que cada detalle sobre el procedimiento es importante. El tutorial muestra estos detalles, paso a paso. (more…)
Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra
Many people have experienced the beneficial effects of Agnihotra on their own health and well-being, on animals, plants, and on the environment.
If we trust our own experience – we do not need any scientists to tell us that this method of Agnihotra has beneficial effects.
We have experienced such effects and each month we can see a lot of new evidence of healings by Agnihotra in this Homa Health Newsletter. That is enough reason to continue doing these healing fires – scientific confirmation is not really needed. Still there are some considerations why scientific research about Agnihotra and Homa Therapy makes sense:(more…)