Mandala Meditation – Wheel of Life

Wheel of Life

Cherish life.
Celebrate each other.
Honour and respect all humanity, all animals and our beloved Mother Earth.
The wheel of life turns, tides rise and fall.
We have precious moments on this Earth. Make them diamonds.
Let your light shine!

Satsang Volume 47 No 7

Agnihotra and Coronavirus

Dr. Ulrich Berk

Agnihotra can help in different ways to overcome the coronavirus crisis.
1) Reducing the probability of getting infected.
2) Reducing preexisting conditions, thus leading to a less severe course of Covid-19.
3) Supporting the body to overcome the infection.

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A Protective Shield Covers Homa Farms

Lee and Frits Ringma,
Homa Therapy Association of Australia
Homa farm
"Om Shree Dham" (O.S.D.)
Sweetmans Creek, NSW, Australia

The Homa Biosphere seemingly acting as ‘a ring-pass-not’ giving Om Shree Dham, Homa Therapy Centre at Sweetmans Creek, NSW, protection.

Photo below left: The dark shading are the 2 bush fires. The one on the left is massive. The one on the right came up to 1 km away. The lighter green shading represents bushland that was as dry as kindling yet the fire did not traverse towards us.
Below right: O.S.D. cow paddock in drought and saturated in smoke. There was no feed for the cows in the paddock but by Grace we were always supplied with hay.

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Homa Therapy News – Australian and International, February 2020




Homa Therapy News – Feb 2020

  • Agnihotra Protection during Bush Fires
  • Dam Remediation with Agnihotra and its Ash
  • Transformation in Small and Big Ways with Agnihotra
  • Positive Effect on Turbulent Household
  • Immediate Improvements on the land and personal pain relief
  • Scientific Validation: Effects of Agnihotra and Agnihotra ash on Pests and Diseases
  • Om Shree Dham, Homa Therapy Centre Australasia



Agnihotra performed in the yard. Home and veggie garden untouched by the bush fire that consumed properties all around.

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Satsang Volume 47 No 6

Update on Centre of Light

Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya family

We are happy to tell you that in late autumn, we completed the basement exterior walls and new windows were installed on the ground floor. We now have to get the basement windows, balcony doors and front entranceway. Then, the much-anticipated interior work can begin!

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