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Category: Satsang
Satsang Volume 46 No 3
Children’s Summer Programs at Ancient Oaks 2018
Shree Vasant said to bring the children from the city out to Ancient Oaks Homa farm in Westminster, Maryland, and we’re doing it! Here’s today’s third group this summer, from Creative City Charter School in Baltimore. Their sweetness and happiness really saturated the whole place.
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A Miracle in the Making!
Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya Community
Centre of Light under construction, summer 2018. Three years ago, the Centre of Light was just an idea, a vision that was blessed. Now the 3-story building is taking shape with straw/clay walls, multiple rooms, a central hall and spectacular views of the Tatra Mountains.
Satsang Volume 46 No 1
Volunteers Needed for Centre of Light!
Join us this summer at Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya in building the Centre of Light with clay, straw and wood chips. There will be opportunities to participate in natural building workshops and to experience this unique Homa Farm and Ecovillage in southern Poland, one of three Points of Light on the planet. Help manifest Shree’s vision of the Centre of Light, environmental educational and healing centre for all.
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Growth of plants in Agnihotra Atmosphere and with Agnihotra Ash
Seeing is believing, it is said. The following articles in this series document, in some detail, the positive results of Agnihotra and Agnihotra ash on growth of plants, plant resistance to disease and pests, shelf life and other parameters of quality, taste and quantity. It is difficult to over-estimate the potential such information has for a world beset by climate influences causing difficulties to agriculture.–Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya
Satsang Volume 45 No 6
Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra: Effect on Seed Germination
by Dr. Ulrich Berk,
(Quantity of food worldwide – especially in developing countries – continues to be an urgent issue.
Quality of food in developed countries – especially in the age of the spreading of the GMO scourge – is a less publicized issue [in part due to obfuscation by vested interests]. In both cases, the proven potential of Homa Organic Farming in yielding greater quantities and quality of food should not escape the notice of all. The following article shows the effects of Homa on seed germination – the first step in our food chain. – Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya) (more…)Satsang Volume 45 No 5
2017 Agnihotra Equinox Event
Equinox fire, from Jolanda Stots, NetherlandsSome years ago we started a Global Sacred Fire Event during the Equinox period, and it was a great success. So many people around the world had joined and Agnihotra fires moved around the planet at sunrise and sunset. This year we repeated this wonderful experience, creating a grid of Sacred Fires all around the world, to help build a critical mass to elevate consciousness on planet Earth. Satsang Volume 45 No 4
Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya Summer 2017
Summer at Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya was rich with visitors from many countries, including United States, Australia, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, China, Hungary, India, Turkey, Thailand, Israel, Chile, Brazil, Holland, Italy, Romania, and Poland! As always, there was a lively interchange of ideas and experiences, as well as healing received from the many fires performed here daily. We truly are One World. Satsang Volume 45 No 3
Ancient Oaks Children’s Program 2017–Another Success!
Patricia (Patty) Norton and Maria Broom It was one of Shree Vasant’s greatest dreams to bring children from the heart of Baltimore city out to our Homa farm where they could experience green open spaces and a healing atmosphere saturated with Homa fires. With a generous grant from the Krieger Fund, the Baltimore Homa Community was able to offer a second year of their Children’s Summer Farm Program at Ancient Oaks Homa Farm in Westminster, Maryland. Eight groups–over 300 children–came to enjoy a half-day of hiking, drumming, dancing, yoga, sound healing, storytelling, tasty vegetarian lunches and quiet meditation with Homa fire, not to mention lots and lots of free time to just run and play without fear of traffic, violence or bullets. With wonderful, flexible facilitators and plenty of Shree’s grace we were able to do all of this and it is extremely humbling. (more…)
Satsang Volume 45 No 2
Purification of Water by Agnihotra
Dr. Ulrich Berk Scientific experiments have shown Agnihotra purifies the air of pathogenic bacteria, reduces harmful chemicals in the air such as NOx and SOx, and also reduces the quantity of particulate matter in the air (which is harmful for our respiratory system.)
Scientific experiments also show that Agnihotra and Agnihotra Ash purify water. We are advised to add Agnihotra Ash to our drinking water, and many of us are doing so regularly. Why is that recommended? The reason is: Agnihotra Ash removes pathogenic bacteria from water. This has been tested a number of times. One impressive experiment was done by Dr. John Matlander of Cuenca, Ecuador. (more…)
Satsang Volume 45 No 1
Agnihotra Helps Children with HIV/AIDS
We are so delighted with this news! Agnihotra is helping children with AIDS. (more…)