Magdalena’s MiniYoga for Children – Part 1

Maria Magdalena Bernales
     Since 1990, MiniYogaChile has been working with the beautiful program written by Fran Rosen and Bonnie Maltby “Yoga and Meditation for Children”. We have worked with children as well as trained adults, so they can work with children themselves.
      Throughout these last 30 years of experience, we have adapted the program to local necessities and have added information. The Project has grown as much as we have as individuals. Continue reading “Magdalena’s MiniYoga for Children – Part 1”

Parenting in the Time of Coronavirus Part 1

By Lisa Powers, Parama Dham,
Madison, VA, USA

Many years ago, at the request of Shree Vasant Paranjpe, Lisa Powers and Parvati Rosen-Bizberg wrote The Fivefold Path Parenting Program. It has been taught in schools and to community groups in the U.S. and South America.
Lisa Powers is a Certified Homa Therapy Teacher, president of Fivefold Path, Inc., and editor of Satsang online newsletter. She and her husband Richard are caretakers of the Parama Dham Fire Temple in Madison, Virginia, U.S.A.

Continue reading “Parenting in the Time of Coronavirus Part 1”

A Protective Shield Covers Homa Farms

Lee and Frits Ringma,
Homa Therapy Association of Australia
Homa farm
"Om Shree Dham" (O.S.D.)
Sweetmans Creek, NSW, Australia

The Homa Biosphere seemingly acting as ‘a ring-pass-not’ giving Om Shree Dham, Homa Therapy Centre at Sweetmans Creek, NSW, protection.

Photo below left: The dark shading are the 2 bush fires. The one on the left is massive. The one on the right came up to 1 km away. The lighter green shading represents bushland that was as dry as kindling yet the fire did not traverse towards us.
Below right: O.S.D. cow paddock in drought and saturated in smoke. There was no feed for the cows in the paddock but by Grace we were always supplied with hay.

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Homa Therapy News – Australian and International, February 2020




Homa Therapy News – Feb 2020

  • Agnihotra Protection during Bush Fires
  • Dam Remediation with Agnihotra and its Ash
  • Transformation in Small and Big Ways with Agnihotra
  • Positive Effect on Turbulent Household
  • Immediate Improvements on the land and personal pain relief
  • Scientific Validation: Effects of Agnihotra and Agnihotra ash on Pests and Diseases
  • Om Shree Dham, Homa Therapy Centre Australasia



Agnihotra performed in the yard. Home and veggie garden untouched by the bush fire that consumed properties all around.

Continue reading “Homa Therapy News – Australian and International, February 2020”

Scientific Research on Agnihotra and Homa Therapy – Interview

Dr Ulrich Berk interviewed by Subodh Cothran
on Hindu Voices Podcast
13th November, 2019

(Homa Therapy is taught as a science which benefits body, mind and environment, and is not affiliated with any religion. Agnihotra is open to all regardless of caste or creed. Agnihotra comes from Vedas; Vedic knowledge existed long before religions and cultures, and is the common inheritance of all mankind.)