Homa Therapy International

Author: bruce

  • International Effort to Get Agnihotra Ash to Japan

    Agnihotra ash will be sent from the Agni Shalas (Agnihotra Fire Temple) at the Homa Therapy centres ‘Bhrugu Aranya’ in Poland, ‘Haldenhof’ Germany and ‘Om Shree Dham’ in Australia, to help support much needed healing in Japan from radioactivity.

    Certain simple disciplines are maintained in these Agni Shalas to ensure purity and potency. (more…)

  • Agnihotra workshops in Victoria, Australia, October 2013

    In October I travelled to Victoria to conduct free workshops on Agnihotra and Homa Therapy.

    Many people were re-inspired to renew their practice and many new people took up Agnihotra to benefit their environments. (more…)

  • Agnihotra in Bali, Indonesia

    There are quite some Balinese people who are very keen to learn the form of Agnihotra we know and perform every day.

    Hindu priests in Bali perform a fire practice that they also give the name of Agnihotra.

    Even so, some of them say they are open to learning the Agnihotra as given by Shree for environmental healing. (more…)

  • Create your own Agnihotra Timetable

    Create your own Agnihotra timetable using our online software.

    • PC and MAC friendly.
    • Pinpoint your exact location using Google Maps.
    • Once you have found your exact location on the map simply click your location and hit the ‘Next’ button.
    • You can then choose either one full year timetable as downloadable pdf file or alternatively any particular date range.

    If you have any difficulty using the online program you may request an Agnihotra timetable.

  • Agnihotra in Taizé-Aizie, Charente, France

    Béatrice and Bruno Farano write from L’Isle Taizé-Aizie in France:

    We perform the Agnihotra daily morning and evening. Ashes go into the garden and we also eat them. We are two or three persons performing Agnihotra every day.

  • Agnihotra in Moldova, Eastern Europe

    Benedict Caurausu writes from Chisinau, Moldova:

    “For the first time I came in contact with Agnihotra in 1996 through my friend from Ukraine, Andrey Guzanov. I was not so deeply touched because as I understood later one important thing had been missed – the correct time.

    “Also at this meeting I received some written information about Agnihotra. After I read it I understood that the Agnihotra is really a good thing and continued my research in this field. I got Dr. Ulrich Berk’s address and contacted him. For two years or so we kept in contact and as result of this in June of 2000 Dr. Berk came to Moldova. We organized several meetings in Chisinau (the capital city) and there were many participants. As result many people started to practice Agnihotra. (more…)

  • Agnihotra at the Eigentijds Festival (Contemporary Festival), Netherlands, 2013

    The Dutch have taken to Agnihotra in a big way. Seeds planted in the 1970’s, it seems, have at last sprouted.

    See the sunrise Agnihotra video below.

  • Firing the Grid – Agnihotras around the World on September Equinox, 2013

    On September 21 & 22, 2013 Agnihotra practitioners from around the globe participated in a network of Agnihotra being performed on the September Equinox. The aim was to create a grid of Sacred Fires or ‘firing the grid’ and to ideally have two waves of Agnihotra fires moving around the planet (one for sunrise, one for sunset).
    We received many responses from people all over the world informing their coordinates. We were amazed to find every continent represented, and people from Alaska to Africa, from Europe to U.S.A., Australia to Russia, Japan to Hawaii. There were more than 450 Meridiens of Longitude represented with Agnihotra Fires in more than 50 countries. There may have been more that we were unaware of. (more…)

  • Women’s Healing Circles with Baltimore Homa Community

    Women of Love and Light who want to rest and sing and to send healing energy across the planet. (more…)
  • Agnihotra in Woking, UK

    An early Equinox celebration – in Woking, England. Among those present with me were Sharon Galliford, Margaret More and Marilyn Montclare.

    Let’s come together around the world for a big celebration on the 21st September!