Homa Therapy International

Month: January 2017

  • Satsang Volume 44 No 5

    Agnihotra in Australia

    Lee and Frits Ringma

    March 2016 North New South Wales and Queensland
    In March this year Lee and Ana Ringma took to the road to share the graceful healing and blessed relief that Agnihotra and Homa Therapy brings into people’s lives. We drove up the New South Wales coast starting from Om Shree Dham in the Hunter Valley NSW, giving Agnihotra workshops all the way up to Brisbane Queensland across to Toowoomba and then down the New England Highway. Highlights were well-attended workshops in Wingham, Byron Bay area, Toowoomba and Armidale.


  • Be Efficient with Time

         Our army is being trained to move all over the world. This army of Love, no weapons, no enemies. Only Love and science of Yajnya. Our aim is to rejuvenate the planet from the roots to the heavens. Through the agency of fire this atmosphere surrounding the planet will be healed.
     What is required now is one pointed attention and intensity of Mantra and the fires we do. (more…)

  • Satsang Volumen 44 #5

    Agnihotra en Australia

    En marzo de este año Lee y Ana Ringma se pusieron en camino para compartir la maravillosa sanación y el bendito alivio que el Agnihotra y la Terapia Homa traen a la vida de las personas. Condujimos por la costa de New South Wales partiendo de Om Shree Dham, en Hunter Valley NSW, ofreciendo talleres de Agnihotra por todas partes hasta Brisbane, en Queensland a través de Toowoomba y luego bajamos por la autopista de New England. Lo más destacado fueron los talleres muy concurridos en Wingam, el área de Byron Bay, Toowoomba y Armidale.
    Leer mas…
  • Celebrating the Spirit of Christmas with Agnihotra in Boticasol, Armenia, Colombia

          From the Botica Sol in Armenia, Colombia, Mother Dora Betancur shared these photos and observation:

           It is lived in families, among brothers, neighbors, co-workers and even among those who do not know each other!
    This is the principle that motivated this get-together of more than HUNDRED people, among them daddies and moms, sons and daughters of actors and internal participants of OUR dear BOTICASOL!

  • Homa Therapy in Santiago, Chile

         These photos and information were sent by Ms. Camila Paz Molina Llamazares about Homa meetings in Chile:

    1. Homa Therapy in the Graduation Ceremony of Ayurvedic Therapists 2016.

    "At the beginning of the ceremony, the International Ayurveda School ‘AYURVIDA’, celebrated the special occasion with a Vyahruti Homa. The team of teachers, therapists and the public attended a harmonizing meditation with Homa fires."

    (See photos left and below.) (more…)

  • Effects of Agnihotra and Agnihotra Ash on Soil

    Earlier we had discussed how Agnihotra purifies our atmosphere and the water resources. Now let us have a look into the effect of Agnihotra on soil. (more…)